Bienvenidos al Pla de Mallorca, destacado por su legado patrimonial y arquitectónico. En el territorio podéis encontrar santuarios, monasterios y ermitas coronando las cimas que ofrecen 360º de vistas panorámicas sobre la isla.

The mercados son una buena opción para conocer los pueblos y productos de la isla. El mercado de Sineu, presume de ser el más antiguo de Mallorca y fue lugar de Residencia Real en el pasado.

En cuanto a música, el folklore insular permanece intacto en esta parte de la isla. Por ejemplo, la danza des Cossiers, una antigua tradición de Mallorca. Se interpreta sobre todo en Algaida y Montuïri.

Too las ferias, sobre todo las de tipo gastronómico, tienen su papel en el Pla de Mallorca. Destaca la feria del melón, en Vilafranca de Bonany, y la de la miel, en Llubí.

Finalmente, abundan en esta comarca, the cellers, antiguas bodegas reconvertidas en restaurants de cocina tradicional mallorquina.

A continuación veremos otros puntos destacados del Pla de Mallorca, como, comidas típicas, calas para visitar, pueblos importantes, actividades y rutas para hacer.

Los pueblos más destacados del Pla de Mallorca

At el Pla de Mallorca, se encuentran pueblos encantadores, cada uno con su personalidad y encanto distintivo. Estas joyas están rodeadas de impresionantes paisajes, viñedos y campos dorados que pintan el horizonte.

Mercados históricos y arquitectura centenaria, lugares que ofrecen una experiencia única que evoca al pasado y regala una visión auténtica de la vida en Mallorca.

En este reportaje, nos adentraremos en un recorrido por algunos de estos pueblos, donde la autenticidad de la vida rural y la rica tradición se fusionan en un escenario de belleza indescriptible.


La conforman Algaida, Pina y Randa, tres localidades con encanto. La zona es llana en su mayor parte, pero el macizo de Randa, que la atraviesa, ofrece un paisaje natural de gran belleza. En este entorno, destaca la iglesia parroquial de Sant Pere y Sant Pau. El municipio también es rico en tradiciones, como el tradicional baile de los “cossiers”, una danza ancestral de origen incierto. Algaida es un destino perfecto para todos los gustos. Tanto para amantes de la naturaleza como para los aficionados a la historia y la cultura. Todos ellos podrán disfrutar de manera plena sus paisajes y su arquitectura y tradiciones.


En el centro del pla de Mallorca se encuentra Constitx, un pequeño pueblo tranquilo de gran encanto.

Las calles empedradas, las casas de piedra y las flores que adornan sus balcones, crean un ambiente único que invita a la relajación y la contemplación.

La iglesia de Santa Maria y la capilla de la Mare de Déu, son los monumentos más destacados del pueblo. Cada primero de mayo, Costitx celebra la Feria Costitx en Flor, un evento que convierte el pueblo en un auténtico jardín. Es un destino perfecto para los amantes de la naturaleza.


Petra es uno de los pueblos más representativos de la Mallorca interior, una región que se caracteriza por su belleza natural, su riqueza cultural y sus tradiciones. El núcleo antiguo del pueblo es un laberinto de calles estrechas y empedradas que no te podrás perder. Además de su patrimonio histórico y cultural, Petra también ofrece una rica oferta gastronómica. En sus restaurantes, podrás degustar los platos típicos de la cocina mallorquina, elaborados con productos frescos y de temporada. Una visita a Petra es una experiencia inolvidable, que te enamorará a primera vista.


Porreres es un municipio ideal para conocer la esencia de un pueblo típico mallorquín. Los alrededores de Porreres ofrecen un entorno natural de gran belleza. Las caminatas a pie por los campos de cultivo, los bosques y las montañas te permitirán disfrutar de la Mallorca rural. Porreres es un pueblo con una rica historia y tradiciones. Los turistas que han visitado el municipio en época de fiestas, especialmente durante los patronales de San Roc, han quedado encantados con la animación y el ambiente festivo. Un pueblo de encanto que cautivará a todo el que lo visite.


Sencelles es uno de los municipios más extensos de la comarca del Pla de Mallorca. Este pueblo, de gran belleza natural, es destacado por su arquitectura rural y tradicional. Los molinos de viento harineros te transportarán a otra época. En el municipio también se pueden encontrar cruces de términos, unos elementos arquitectónicos tradicionales que se utilizaban para marcar los límites entre los municipios. Descubre Sencelles y será una experiencia inolvidable.


Sineu es sin duda alguna uno de los pueblos más hermosos, históricos y emblemáticos de Mallorca, que mantiene hasta el día de hoy un patrimonio arquitectónico y monumental intacto. El pasado glorioso de Sineu se palpa en todos los rincones del municipio. Desde la belleza de sus estrechas calles, hasta las dimensiones de la iglesia, pasando por el claustro de Sant Francesc, el Palau Real o el oratorio de Sant Josep. ¡Disfrutarás de este maravilloso pueblo!

Las mejores playas del Pla de Mallorca

El Pla de Mallorca, es un verdadero paraíso costero que alberga algunas de las playas más impresionantes de toda la región. Con aguas cristalinas y arena dorada, estas playas son destinos ideales para los amantes del sol y el mar.

Since calas recónditas hasta amplias extensiones de costa, el Pla de Mallorca ofrece una diversidad de opciones para los viajeros en busca de relajación, aventura y belleza natural. En este rincón de la isla, los visitantes pueden disfrutar de una combinación única de encanto rural y escenarios marinos espectaculares.

Descubre a continuación lo que hace que las playas de Pla de Mallorca sean destinos tan especiales y apreciados por locales y turistas por igual.

Can Picafort

La Playa de Can Picafort, es un verdadero tesoro en el corazón de esta isla paradisíaca del Mediterráneo. Este rincón costero se destaca por su belleza serena y su encanto natural, atrayendo a visitantes de todas partes en busca de tranquilidad, sol y mar. Sus aguas cristalinas, invitan a sumergirse en su abrazo refrescante. Los más aventureros pueden explorar el mundo submarino que se oculta bajo la superficie, mientras que los amantes del sol pueden disfrutar de la brisa marina y la sensación de bienestar que solo una playa como esta puede ofrecer. Los chiringuitos a lo largo de la playa sirven deliciosos platos de la cocina local, donde se puede disfrutar de mariscos frescos y auténticos sabores mallorquines mientras se admira la vista al mar.

wall beach

La Playa de Muro se extiende entre el Puerto d’Alcúdia y Can Picafort. Inmediatamente cerca se encuentra la reserva natural de Parque Natural S’Albufera , que ofrece un hogar a innumerables aves acuáticas. El agua cristalina se ilumina en azul turquesa y la arena en polvo brilla bajo el sol, tiene menos de seis kilómetros de largo. A medida que la playa se inclina plana en el agua a lo largo de toda su longitud, es un lugar preferido para familias con niños.

They are Serra de Marina

La costa de Son Serra de Marina, destaca como una de las joyas más resplandecientes de Mallorca. Su playa, de inmensa extensión, se despliega como un lienzo de tranquilidad y serenidad, donde la naturaleza se muestra en todo su esplendor. Son Serra de Marina es un lugar que invita a la contemplación, un remanso de paz que se encuentra en una de las regiones más hermosas de la isla, dentro del municipio de Santa Margarita.

Ruta de senderismo por el Pla de Mallorca

Ya sea que busques una caminata desafiante o un paseo relajado, el Pla de Mallorca te ofrece una variedad de opciones para todos los niveles de habilidad y preferencias. Además, puedes descubrir la rica diversidad de su paisaje, desde colinas ondulantes y campos verdes until bosques sombríos y pintorescos pueblos rurales.

Al adentrarte en estas rutas, te encontrarás rodeado de serenidad de la naturaleza mallorquina, y tendrás la oportunidad de contemplar vistas panorámicas impresionantes.

El itinerario de este reportaje está formado por: Parking Randa, Ermita Sant Honorat, Pas de sa Geneta, Santuari de Cura, Polvorí militar (túneles), Randa.

Vuelta al Puig de Randa y Pas de sa Geneta: Se trata de dar una preciosa vuelta al Puig de Randa, zona eremítica en dónde podremos visitar algunas ermitas, como por ejemplo la ermita de Cura, un lugar increíble y con vistas inigualables.

El plato fuerte es el Pas de sa Geneta, una cornisa vertiginosa, que para llegar a ella, tendremos que caminar por un sendero en los acantilados de la montaña, vale la pena, la perspectiva desde ese lugar es única. ¡Las personas con vértigo mejor que no vayan por allí!

En definitiva, una ruta corta pero muy interesante y con muchas posibilidades. Una oportunidad que no te podrás perder y que recordarás siempre.

Actividades acuáticas en el Pla de Mallorca

El Pla de Mallorca, se presenta como un paraíso para los amantes del buceo y el snorkel. Este maravilloso lugar ofrece a los entusiastas del mundo submarino la oportunidad de explorar crystalline waters, fascinantes formaciones de coral y una rica biodiversidad marina.

Tanto si eres un experimentado buceador en busca de emocionantes inmersiones como si prefieres la relajación y el asombro de observar la vida marina desde la superficie, el Pla de Mallorca te brinda una experiencia inolvidable en un entorno natural espectacular.


Una de las actividades más populares es el snorkel, que permite a los amantes del mar, descubrir la belleza del fondo marino. En el Pla de Mallorca hay numerosos lugares perfectos para practicar snorkel y además es una actividad sencilla y accesible para todos. Para practicarla, necesitas un equipo básico; tubo respirador, gafas de buceo y unas aletas. Si estás buscando una actividad divertida y relajante para disfrutar del mar, el snorkel en el Pla de Mallorca es una excelente opción.


El buceo en esta región es una experiencia única que te sumerge en un mundo de colores vibrantes y vida marina diversa. Las aguas cristalinas que bañan las costas del Pla de Mallorca revelan un escenario impresionante para los amantes del buceo. El equipo básico consta de traje de buceo, máscara de buceo, aletas, regulador y tanque de oxígeno, chaleco de buceo, cinturón de lastre e instrumentos de buceo. Podrás disfrutar de una experiencia de buceo inolvidable en el Pla de Mallorca.

Gastronomía en el Pla de Mallorca

La gastronomía mallorquina en el Pla de Mallorca es un verdadero deleite para los sentidos. Entre sus platos más emblemáticos se encuentran la Sobrasada Mallorquina, una deliciosa pasta de cerdo sazonada con pimentón; el Tumbet Mallorquín, un plato vegetariano que combina berenjenas, patatas, y pimientos con un toque de tomate; la Coca de Trampó Mallorquina, una especie de pizza de verduras frescas; y la famosa Ensaimada Mallorquina, un dulce esponjoso y en espiral, perfecto para desayunar.

También encontramos el Frito Mallorquín, a base de carne, patatas y verduras, que es un plato que refleja la influencia de la cocina campesina de la isla. Además, un plato típico sería el Arroz Brut Mallorquín, una deliciosa variante del arroz a la paella, condimentado con hierbas locales y a menudo con carne de cordero, donde el protagonista sería el Cordero Mallorquina, un plato exquisito de carne tierna y sabrosa.

Finalmente, para satisfacer los antojos de postre, el Gató de almendras Mallorquín es una elección imprescindible, un bizcocho de almendras con textura húmeda y sabor intenso. Acompañando estas delicias culinarias, no podemos olvidar las Hierbas Mallorquinas, un licor digestivo tradicional, elaborado a partir de hierbas aromáticas locales.

The gastronomía mallorquina es un auténtico regalo para los amantes de la buena comida, que permite explorar la riqueza de los productos locales y la creatividad culinaria del Pla de Mallorca. Cada plato es una muestra de la historia y la pasión que los mallorquines ponen en su cocina, combinando sabores tradicionales con un toque contemporáneo.

En este reportaje hemos recorrido algunos de los lugares más emblemáticos del Pla de Mallorca, desde los pueblos más pequeños y pintorescos hasta las calas más bonitas del lugar. Además, hemos descubierto rutas de senderismo para recorrer y actividades acuáticas para investigar, siendo las más populares del territorio. Finalmente, se ha podido conocer su rica gastronomía y su vibrante cultura.

¡El Pla de Mallorca es un lugar que te dejará huella, y querrás volver una y otra vez!


Sa Cuina de N'Aina
Sencelles, Mallorca
Es Celler de Petra
Petra / Manacor, Mallorca
World Craft Beer
Sineu, Majorca


Agrotourism Ses Illes
Costitx, Majorca
Agrotourism Sa Casa Rotja
Sineu, Majorca
Small Hotel Algaida
Algaida, Mallorca


Clean & Go Lavanderia Autoservicio
Sineu, Majorca

Would you like to capture the most special memories of your celebration in an original and entertaining way? Photo booth Mallorca Risbox brings you the best news in photography thanks to its fun articles that it promotes and offers through its website. You will be able to capture the most memorable moments of the party surrounded by your loved ones through the personalized photographs that their products will provide you. Do you want to know more about Photo booth Mallorca Risbox?

Photo booth Mallorca Risbox, offers photo booths and festive decorations and has a long history in the sector. Thanks to this experience they have acquired great recognition around the Balearic Islands. Such is their popularity, they have been promoted through television programs such as First Dates and very prominent magazines such as Vogue. In addition, they have been advertised by several well-known influencers, facts that have given them great prestige throughout the country.


Risbox has a clear goal for your wedding or event: Make sure your guests don't forget this special day. Your personalized photo booth and photo call are the key to leaving everyone speechless.

He offers you different photo booth options, different and varied designs, from the redesigned classics to the most innovative ones. You can choose the one that best suits your needs:

Vintage photo booth

The Vintage Photo Booth is one of the options most desired by the public. This charming photo booth with a 1920s aesthetic, made of wood and leather, provides an authentic vintage atmosphere that evokes the first two decades of the last century. In addition to its classic look, it features cutting-edge technology in photography, offering a wide variety of filters and frames to personalize your portraits and add a touch of extra fun.

Retro Photo Booth

The Risbox Retro Photo Booth is a classic with an updated design that provides a fresh aesthetic and that retro touch so sought after by wedding couples. A unique experience that offers 3 hours of fun. Capture unique moments with your guests through instantly printed photographs, adding a special charm to your wedding. Surprise your guests with its retro design, create unforgettable memories in a nostalgic and fun environment.

Photo booth Glam

The Risbox Glam Photo Booth is the perfect choice to give a touch of Kardashian style to your wedding. Its black and white Beauty filter, along with a powerful spotlight and an elegant white background, ensures that your guests look exceptionally handsome in American flat style photos. This glamorous Glam Photo Booth experience will create a memory for all your guests.

In addition, Risbox takes care of the entire process, from installation to delivering the photos and GIFs to the bride and groom, and provides a private web folder where guests can access and download their glamorous memories. Your wedding will be an unforgettable event with the Risbox Glam Photo Booth!

Mirror Photo Booth

The Magic Mirror is an elegant and fun choice for your event. You and your guests will be able to see each other in full body and capture special moments of your event. An ideal photo booth to look perfect in each photo. Made of wood, it adds a special and unique touch to your celebration. They offer 3 hours of non-stop photos. With a "click" on the screen, the Mirror Photo Booth will instantly capture the memory that is reflected in its mirror, and in this way you can create memorable moments that will last a lifetime.


Imagine getting on a 360º rotating platform and creating immersive videos from all angles. They offer 3 hours of continuous recording so guests can capture all the special moments. You will be able to enjoy the videos at the moment, Risbox will instantly upload to a private web folder, accessible through a QR code that they will provide during the service. They have incorporated neon bars around the rotating platform.


He Photobus It is one of the current novelties that Photo booth Mallorca Risbox has been made available to the client. This idea has a Volkswagen T1, decorated with ornaments and props, ideal for those who love vehicles and photography. It's the perfect choice for any event, as its timeless 1960s Volkswagen style appeals to everyone.

Available in several colors, this photo booth turns the iconic VW into a unique experience. Guests can take as many photos as they want and, if they prefer, leave a video message for the couple. The Photobus becomes the perfect background for your images for 4 hours of use at your celebration. Additionally, you can customize the printing template for your photos, ensuring that your memories have a unique and special touch.

What includes?

  • 4 hours of service.
  • Unlimited photos and videos.
  • 2 printed copies per photo: With the option to reprint a copy if the guest requests it.
  • 2 uniformed hostesses: With a denim shirt in accordance with our aesthetics.
  • Photo album: You can choose the color you like the most.
  • Custom templates with names and date.
  • A fun selection of Risbox props.
  • You will receive all the images and GIFs in digital format on a pen drive included in the album.
  • To share with your guests, they will create a private web folder where they can access and download their memories.


Decorations and Photocalls

Decoration is the key to making your event unforgettable.

At Risbox you will find from sofas and armchairs that make your photos look spectacular to floral photocalls that add a special touch to your event. The geometric decorated They provide simplicity and romanticism. Also, you can put a London cabin in pink and flowers for a cool and romantic touch. Even a pink bathtub full of balls! If you prefer, they have classic photocalls that are included in their photo booth services at no additional cost.

You can rent the decorations without a photo booth and decorate any corner of your celebration or add them to the photo booth of your choice. They offer a wide variety of options so you can combine them however you like.

Neons and Luminous

The Neons of Photobooth Mallorca Risbox they will be in charge of giving light and color to a corner of your celebration or in the Photocall. They offer several models of all colors and shapes, for weddings or events, already created by themselves, but they also have a customization service, with which You will be able to create your own neon and establish the message that most inspires you on the most important day of your life.

The luminous son illuminated wooden boxes inside, A brilliant choice to give a special touch to your event. You can choose one of the pre-designed phrases that offer personalization with your names, adding a unique and personal touch to every corner of your celebration.

Cambaya Mechanical Bull

One of the latest innovations from Risbox, the Mechanical bull, promises fun and unforgettable moments at weddings and events.

Guests ride the bull while a camera records videos in slow motion.

A week later, guests will be able to download these videos from your website.

Create fun memories with Risbox!

And if that was not enough, Photo booth Mallorca Risbox offers exclusive packs with different ranges of its products so that, in this way, you can try their items at your celebration at a cheaper price. They have a lot specially dedicated for weddings, with designs in keeping with the wedding celebration and personalized decorations for you and your partner.. An option to further romanticize the atmosphere!

If you need a touch of fun and color in your celebration, contact Photo mat Mallorca Risbox and try their personalized, close and attentive service. Take photographs to remember and portray the most memorable moments of the party.

on one Risbox photo booth or photocall at your event and leave everyone speechless!

📸Sabinata Events

¿Estás planeando celebrar un evento en las Islas Baleares? Este destino reúne todos los elementos necesarios para que tu celebración sea simplemente perfecta. Las playas de aguas cristalinas, los impresionantes paisajes naturales, los encantadores pueblos y la excepcional gastronomía te cautivarán. Descubre por qué estas islas del Mediterráneo son el paraíso ideal para tu evento.

One of the destinos ideales para cualquier celebración. Te presentamos 7 profesionales que te ayudarán a crear la fiesta de tus sueños a continuación. Here we go!


Cualquier celebración, ya sea una boda, un aniversario o un evento especial, merece ser única e inolvidable. Mallorca, con su belleza natural y encanto, es el escenario perfecto para dar vida a esos momentos memorables.

Bernardo Vich Weddings and Events es el aliado ideal para hacer realidad tus celebraciones. Con una profunda comprensión de los lugares más cautivadores de cada rincón de la isla, transforma la organización de cualquier evento en una experiencia mágica.

Este apasionado experto en la planificación de eventos se asegurará de que cada detalle se alinee con tus deseos. Ofrece un servicio integral que abarca desde la selección de los mejores floristas hasta la elección de músicos excepcionales y opciones de catering de alta calidad. Estará a tu lado en cada paso del camino, garantizando que tu evento sea excepcional y memorable, independientemente de la ocasión.

Con Bernardo Vich Bodas y Eventos, puedes confiar en que tu celebración será única y llena de magia, en un entorno incomparable como Mallorca.


Exclusive Rent 4 Events es tu empresa ideal si quieres celebrar una boda, evento de empresa, reunión de trabajo o cualquier celebración, tienen las soluciones perfectas para brindar unos servicios totalmente personalizados y cuidando los detalles.

Diseñan los eventos basándose en su trayectoria de 15 años y cientos de bodas y eventos diferentes. Entre los servicios de Exclusive Rent 4 Events stand out:

  • Household items and furniture: Chairs, tables, cutlery, tablecloths...
  • Lightning: With state-of-the-art materials to provide functional and ambient light to your event.
  • Tents: Of different styles and sizes.
  • Platforms and floors: Made of high-quality wood, to set up dance floors, stages…

Its wide variety of tents makes it possible to celebrate your event despite the weather conditions Exclusive Rent 4 Events is that you enjoy with total peace of mind to live your magical day with full intensity.

Si quieres recibir más información, no dudéis en contactar con su equipo de profesionales, Exclusive Rent 4 Events offers its services both in Mallorca and Ibiza.


JJ Photographer will capture the illusions, the feelings and all the moments of your wedding. A family business founded in 2001, his studio produces photographic reports with a fresh, spontaneous and young style.

All projects offer high quality finishes, You can choose between different options fully tailored to your needs and preferences.

Team of professionals JJ Photographers love to tell stories through the small details of the entire celebration. The services they offer are: Photography and Video, Digital album, albums and mini albums, high resolution photos, blue-ray or DVD with all the photos. The team of professionals will adapt to the needs and tastes of each couple. feature Own digital laboratory and photographic studio.

Ya sea en Ibiza o Formentera, Photographer JJ se asegurará de que tengas un recuerdo único y hermoso de tu día especial. Confía en ellos para capturar los momentos más preciados de tu vida.


Fill every corner of your wedding with flowers with beautiful floral compositions designed and designed to measure thanks to the Floristería Mimosa Home & Garden:

  • Mimosa flower shop is a Garden center with integrated florist and home decoration with a long history and located in Porto Cristo. They have a second flower shop in Manacor.
  • They will turn your wedding into the dream setting. They will listen to all your ideas and advise you when choosing the best floral compositions according to your wedding style. They will take care of even the smallest detail so that everything turns out perfect.

  • They hold all kinds of events in Mallorca.

  • They have a wide range of products: Dried and preserved flowers, indoor or outdoor plants, decoration and equipment rental that will help you create an unforgettable wedding that will surprise all your guests.


¿Queréis que tu día especial brille con luz propia? La Moon Lighting Balloons es la respuesta. Especializados en alquiler e instalación de globos luminosos de helio y figuras decorativas, harán que tu evento sea inolvidable.

feature globos inflables con formas impactantes que crearan un ambiente único y mágico. Su objetivo es hacer tu día único. Además, ofrecen guirnaldas, globos de helio, iluminación LED, figuras decorativas y más. Since iluminar piscinas hasta embellecer jardines y fachadas, convertirán tu boda en un cuento de hadas.

Su equipo de profesionales te brindarán un trato atento y de calidad. Solicitad cita previa para obtener información y presupuesto sin compromiso.

Deja que La Moon Globos de Iluminación ilumine uno de los días más especiales de tu vida.


The Sabinata Events es la elección perfecta para las novias que buscan perfección y creatividad en su boda! Su enfoque en los detalles, su pasión y su compromiso los destacan en el mundo de la planificación de bodas. Cada evento se trata como único y personal, garantizando que tu día especial sea memorable.

Ofrecen una variedad de servicios para adaptarse a tus preferencias:

  • Organización Integral: Si deseas una celebración completamente personalizada, te guiarán en todos los aspectos y te conectarán con proveedores que se ajusten a tu presupuesto. Estarán a tu lado durante todo el proceso.

  • Organización Parcial: Si ya tienes algunos aspectos organizados pero necesitas ayuda adicional, este servicio es ideal. Abordarán los detalles faltantes y encontrarán los proveedores perfectos.

  • Decoración de Eventos: Si necesitas que el lugar luzca impecable, Sabinata Eventos plasmará tus ideas y preferencias en la decoración, añadiendo un toque “handmade” con creaciones únicas, como tocados, porta-alianzas y regalos especiales para tus invitados.

Confía en Sabinata Eventos para convertir tu boda o cualquier evento en un recuerdo inolvidable tanto para ti como para tus seres queridos.


¡Para las novias que busca diseños elegantes y exclusividad en su vestido de bodas, Shelight es la elección definitiva! Esta marca de moda única, ubicada en Palma de Mallorca, ofrece una experiencia excepcional de confección propia. Sus vestidos combinan a la perfección con sus impresionantes sandalias y accesorios, lo que te brinda la oportunidad de lucir un look único en tu día especial. Shelight está lista para asesorarte y ayudarte a encontrar el atuendo perfecto.

Con sede en Italia y admirada por celebridades como Marisa Paredes y Melissa Leo, su amplia gama de productos destaca por su diseño único y singulares. Ofrecen vestidos en diversos estilos y colores, accesorios con piedras preciosas de Swarovski, alpargatas de tacón y sandalias adornadas con Swarovski. Even though el showroom principal está en Mallorca, su alcance es internacional.

Shelight está lista para asesorarte y ayudarte a encontrar el producto perfecto que refleje tu estilo único en tu día especial.

📷La Viña tapas Club

Discover the essential restaurants in Mallorca and enjoy an unforgettable gastronomic experience! From delicious Mediterranean dishes to authentic Peruvian and Italian specialties. These restaurants will surprise you with their unique flavors and charming atmospheres.

Let yourself be seduced by the culinary delicacy of the island and immerse yourself in a true adventure for the palate. Do not miss these essential places to enjoy the best cuisine in Mallorca!

Hom Restaurant by Estiven Arráez

Enjoy the unique gastronomic experience in the prestigious Hom Restaurant by Estiven Arráez in Palma!

Its cozy and sophisticated atmosphere creates the perfect setting for a memorable meal. The Mediterranean menu offers a wide variety of dishes with fresh, high-quality ingredients, from seafood to vegetarian options.

Delicious breakfasts, selected wines and daily, children's and company menus are available. Besides, They offer catering services for special events, taking care of every detail on special days.

The team fuses modern techniques with traditional ingredients to create innovative and contemporary dishes.

The Hom Restaurant by Estiven Arráez is the ideal option to enjoy the best cuisine on the island.

Live an exceptional culinary experience!

La Viña tapas Club

Welcome to the paradise of tapas and skewers in La Viña – Tapas Club! Located in the heart of Valldemossa, in the Sierra de Tramuntana, this charming restaurant awaits you with a unique culinary experience.

La Viña – Tapas Club is the ideal place for lovers of tapas and pinchos, offering a wide variety of delicious gastronomic proposals for all tastes. Since ham skewers with salad to exquisite calamari alla romana, each dish is carefully prepared to provide an authentic taste of our gastronomy.

In addition, if you come with the smallest of the house, they also have special options for children.

Enjoy delicious vermouth in good company or let yourself be surprised with an unforgettable lunch or dinner. La Viña – Tapas Club invites you to immerse yourself in a gastronomic experience that you will want to repeat over and over again.

Don't wait any longer and visit this corner of culinary pleasure in Valldemossa!

Pasta and Pesto Restaurante

Discover Pasta and Pesto, the authentic taste of Italy in Palma de Mallorca! This cozy restaurant will delight you with delicious Italian food and a charming atmosphere. Specializing in fresh pasta and authentic pesto sauce, each dish is prepared with quality ingredients and traditional techniques.

its Varied menu offers classic and creative options, all made by hand with organic flour. you can taste a selection of pasta such as Spaghetti, casareccie, tagliolini and ravioli, accompanied by tasty pestos like the Classico, trapanese and alle erbe.

The friendly and attentive staff will provide you with excellent service, ensuring a pleasant dining experience. Ideal for couples, families and friends, Pasta and Pesto will transport you to the authentic Italy while you enjoy unforgettable flavors.

Come and live a unique culinary experience in Palma de Mallorca!

Coheo Restaurant

Immerse yourself in the culinary magic of Mallorca in CoHeo Restaurant, located in the charming town of Binissalem. This establishment combines Majorcan tradition with a modern touch, offering you a unique gastronomic experience.

In his letter, you will find an irresistible variety of dishes such as nachos vegas, chicken wings marinated in beer, cauliflower with béchamel, and much more. Each bite will transport you to a world of authentic and delicious flavors.

The cozy and elegant atmosphere of the restaurant creates the ideal setting for a romantic dinner or a meeting with friends. Its rustic decoration adds a special charm to the place.

Don't wait any longer and come and enjoy a delicious meal at CoHeo Restaurant while you explore Mallorca. The friendly staff will greet you with a warm welcome and an exceptional dining experience. We are waiting for you to make you live unforgettable moments at CoHeo Restaurant!

La Bottega di Michele

Let yourself be pampered by a prestigious chef, an expert in creating Italian delicacies, with exceptional quality products. He tastes their house specialties and travels to Italy through the palate.

Michael Caporale, a benchmark in Italian cuisine during the ten years it has been established in Palma, is the head of Bottega di Michele. He is part of the third generation of a family of restaurateurs, and is a chef with all the tradition and training of Mediterranean cuisine. They offer a selection of the best meats on the market, fresh fish, salads, carpaccio, roast beef, and some delicious homemade desserts. Among the house specialties are Pappardelle with deer ragù and mushrooms, Tagliatelle with funghi e porcini, Ravioli stuffed with truffles with mushroom sauce and Spaghetti with Lobster.

All the dishes they serve are prepared at the moment, with the finest products and tasty from the market.

The Peruvian Tasty Corner

The Peruvian Restaurant Bar "El Rinconcito Sabroso" It is located in Palma de Mallorca, in a well-connected area of ​​the Mallorcan capital. It is a small family-owned and very cozy place, which together with its dishes, they will transport you to Peru in every bite.

Cuisine that offer:

  • In the restaurant they offer quality peruvian foodwith the best local market produce to adapt them to traditional Peruvian food.
  • Among its specialties we find Tamales, rice with chicken or stuffed potato, among others.
  • offer menus midday on weekdays with starter, main course, dessert and drink as well as a wide menu with traditional dishes of Peruvian cuisine.
  • Have a room equipment totally attentive to satisfy all your needs.
  • Do not you think it anymore, explore and learn a little more about Latin America up close in the Rinconcito Sabroso.

Experience the thrill of discovering Mallorca while driving an impressive 300 HP GT convertible sports car! This trip gives you the opportunity to enjoy the sun, the sea, the mountains and the real adrenaline, all in a fun and unforgettable trip. Do you want to discover it? Join us!

At Route Mallorca, offer you the chance to explore the most beautiful corners of the island driving the best sports cars. You will have unique and powerful models at your disposal, which will invite you to discover the wonderful landscapes of this beautiful island in a different way.

You will be able to travel the most picturesque roads in Mallorca and discover impressive landscapes, virgin beaches, hidden coves and spectacular mountains. The routes also include stops at emblematic places such as the Serra de Tramuntana and the old town of Palma de Mallorca, with its impressive cathedral.

With this proposal, you will not only enjoy the unknown roads of Mallorca, but you will live a unique and unforgettable experience behind the wheel of this supercar.

If you are looking for excursions or activities outdoors in Majorca, the guided tour in convertible car karting Route Mallorca Is the best option. If you are a lover of both nature and sports cars, with its check mark You will enjoy a double experience because, on the one hand, you will see Mallorca as you have never seen it before while, on the other, you will be able to drive one of the limited edition high-powered, rear-wheel drive two-seater vehicles. This guided tour is ideal for groups of friends, families and couples who want to enjoy a unique and unforgettable outdoor experience.

Route Mallorca has prepared two fantastic routes. The route of both passes through the most emblematic places in the northwest of Mallorca. Choose the one you like the most!


130 km (4.5 hours): You will pass through the most emblematic places of the island, such as:

Santa Ponsa, The coast of Calvià, Palma, Esporles, Banyalbufar, Estellencs, Andratx, Cala Fornells and hit

This route is available throughout the year, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.


70 km (2.5 hours): You will pass through impressive places, such as:

Santa Ponsa, Malgrats Islands, Puerto Portals, Calviá, It's Capdella and Puerto D'Andratx.

This route is available throughout the year, from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., except from May to September, which runs from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Both routes begin and end in Santa Ponça and include all-risk insurance, gasoline, taxes, soft drinks, gifts, and a guide.

It leaves Santa Ponça, traveling the coast of Calvià passing through Son Ferrer, Magaluf, Palmanova and the first stop is made: the wonderful Port Portals.

Then they head towards Palma, the capital of Majorca. There they go through the dry dock to contemplate the majestic view towards Cathedral. From the promenade they head towards the north coast of the island towards Sporles towards Banyalbufar and Estellencs, where there are magnificent views and incomparable landscapes, as well as a good road to drive your sports cars.

The next stop is Estellencs, a place where it is used to rest, have a drink and visit the viewpoint. This is the perfect time to take photos and videos of the tour.

The route resumes through the mountains towards the Port of Andratx. They arrive at the port and head towards Camp de Mar, entering by Cala Fornells, going by Paguera and ending the tour in Santa Ponza

During the excursion, you will always be accompanied by a guide, who will mark the path, stops and times to ensure that everything planned is seen.

We are sure that everyone, or the vast majority of people who are reading this, have ever dreamed of driving a sports car. Who has never imagined themselves on board a brand new racing car when they were a child?

At Route Mallorca make your dream come true and put at your disposal a fleet of nine unique and exclusive high-power, rear-wheel drive models. In addition, they come equipped with manual gearbox and each of them has GPS with the map of the tour.

The Rrequirements to be able to drive one of its GT Cabrio de Route Mallorca are the following:

✔️ The Minimum age to drive our vehicles is 21 years old, although minors under 21 may go as companions.

✔️ The withdrivers must Wear suitable footwear for driving. Should be avoid, well, flip flops and footwear of similar characteristics.

✔️ He driving license of the driver must be in force and be 2 years old, as well as the DNI or Passport.

✔️ You must arrive 30 minutes before the start of the excursion.

The vehicles are Two-seater, suitable for 2 occupants. In the The route includes gasoline, stalls, gifts, soft drinks, the guide and full insurance.

What are you waiting for? Get behind the wheel of one of the GT Cabrio and enjoy the best guided tour by car in Mallorca.

📸Mallorquin blind

Si estás pensado en hacer mejoras en tu hogar, a continuación te vamos a mostrar a selection of professionals with extensive experience in the sector who will help you improve your home.

You will find a wide variety of expertos en carpintería de aluminio, diseño de interiores, reformas, construcción, pinturas, decoración, persianas, reformas integrales y muchos más. ¡Aprovecha para redistribuir y mejorar tu hogar!

In this report you will find una selección de 12 profesionales con una larga experiencia en el sector que te ayudarán a mejorar tu vivienda.


Roig Sureda It's your choice si buscas reformar tu hogar de la mejor forma posible, con un presupuesto a medida y unos acabados excelentes. Siempre adaptado a tus necesidades, desarrollan un plan personalizado con todos los aspectos a reformar, asesorándote en todo momento sobre las opciones disponibles y aquellas que quedan mejor con tu hogar.

Especializados en techos fijos y desmontables, yesos y escayolas, molduras de yeso, pintura y lacados, inmobiliarias y bienes raíces entre otros. Cuentan con un equipo de profesionales preparados para hacer cualquier reforma bajo cualquier superficie, haciendo de Roig Sureda una empresa polivalente y con mucha experiencia, ubicada en Sant Llorenç des Cardassar.

Tendrás a tu disposición servicios de todo tipo, como reformas de cocinas, baños e integrales, con los mejores materiales del mercado, en la que la rapidez, calidad y limpieza son protagonistas.

The installation of plasterboard is another of its strengths, junto a la tabiquería y los trasdosados, los muebles, estanterías, aislamientos térmicos, acústicos e insonorizaciones.


Los electrodomésticos son un esencial en todos los hogares, haciendo de este uno más cómodo y con todas las facilidades posibles, entre las que se encuentran elementos de cocina, limpieza, calefacción o de aire acondicionado.

At Showroom Electrodomésticos & Outlet, located in the city of Palma, encontrarás todo aquello que necesitas, tienes una gran cantidad de electrodomésticos entre los que elegir, con un equipo de asesores que te ayudarán a encontrar lo mejor para tu hogar, tanto de manera funcional como estética.

All your products are in your etapa Outlet, es decir, fuera de temporada, aspecto que abarata los precios de manera considerable, haciendo que la calidad se mantenga y los costes sean más bajos.

Gracias a su gran cartera de electrodomésticos, se han convertido en una referencia en cuanto a fiabilidad y calidad, contando con encimeras, hornos, lavavajillas, lavadoras, secadoras, batidoras o cafeteras, si buscas grandes electrodomésticos como neveras o congeladores, ¡Showroom Electrodomésticos & Outlet también es tu sitio!


Laura Monzó facilities andIt's a company that te ayudará a renovar todo aquello que tu hogar necesita, ofrecen servicios de instalaciones de Gas Natural, propano, butano o gasoil, cuentan con las mejores calderas del mercado, totalmente seguras y con años de garantía y duración.

Las calefacciones tampoco supondrán un problema, con instalaciones rápidas y eficaces, su equipo de profesionales se encargarán de ofrecerte lo mejor para mantener tu hogar cálido de la forma más económica posible.

Para la otra época del año, cuentan con los mejores aires acondicionados que podrás encontrar, trabajan con las marcas más confiables del mercado.

Las energías fotovoltaicas son tendencia, y también son el futuro. Electricidad de origen renovable, con una instalación fácil y económica.

Laura Monzó facilities se encuentran en la ciudad de Palma, y se encargarán de desplazar todos estos materiales hasta tu hogar, haciendo más cómoda toda esta instalación. ¡Podrás dejar en sus manos todos estos cambios que tu hogar necesita!


Islavent Balear situada en la localidad de Marrachí, Mallorca. Se dedica a la venta e instalación de carpintería de aluminio y PVC, ofrecen las mejores marcas del mercado para obtener los resultados y acabados que esperas.

They adapt to your needs by offering personalized designs and tailored budgets.

Además de sus productos y servicios, ofrecen un proyecto sobre casas prefabricadas, dónde podrás crear desde cero la casa de tus sueños.

Las pérgolas bioclimáticas son otro de sus atractivos con los que podrás contar para una mayor comodidad en tu hogar. También cuentan con una carpintería de aluminio minimalista en la que podrás encontrar lo mejor para decorar tu casa.

Islavent Balear It has a team of advisors who offer close and personalized treatment, adapting to any budget.

Listen to your ideas and start making your dreams come true with Islavent Balear.


Sadrea Building Services es una constructora que se ubican en la Isla de Mallorca. Cuentan con una gran trayectoria en el sector, con diez años de experiencia.

Cuentan con un gran equipo de profesionales que se centran en el mundo de la construcción. Ofrecen servicios de alta calidad poniendo a vuestra disposición las mejores garantías para vuestro hogar. En todos sus proyectos utilizan materiales de primera calidad y última generación para garantizaros los mejores resultados y máxima satisfacción.

Sadrea Building Services os ofrece una gran cantidad de servicios como; construcción total o parcial de edificios, reformas completas de interior y exterior, pintura de interior y exterior, construcción de piscinas…

¡Y, todo lo que podáis imaginar para vuestro hogar!

The team of Sadrea Building Services os asesorarán de la mejor manera con la mayor responsabilidad, seriedad y compromiso posibles según vuestras ideas y necesidades. Además, podéis pedir vuestro presupuesto sin ningún tipo de compromiso.

¡Empezad a hacer realidad vuestros proyectos soñados!


glasses Tramuntana es una empresa dedicada a la instalación de cristales para hogares y oficinas. Los encontraréis en Palma de Mallorca.

Trabajan con los mejores materiales del mercado, ofreciendo siempre lo mejor para tu hogar. Os harán un plan personalizado en el que trabajaran a su lado aconsejando todo aquello que vuestro hogar necesite. Siempre buscarán la excelencia y elegancia en productos y acabados para conseguir ese toque y aspecto distinto a lo demás. Para eso ofrecen paneles y vidrios personalizados, con luces led, dibujos, etc.

glasses Tramuntana dispone todo tipo de materiales, desde aluminio personalizado y a medida hasta cristales y vidrios. glasses Tramuntana ofrece los mejores servicios, como ahora instalación de barandillas, mamparas, espejos…

¡Y muchos servicios más!

Do not hesitate to contact glasses Tramuntana, os darán un buen presupuesto sin ningún compromiso!


Dipep doors es una empresa con más de un siglo de experiencia en carpintería de madera, ubicada en la capital Palma de Mallorca, que trabajan con las mejores marcas del sector para crear diseños únicos, funcionales e innovadores para tu hogar.

Hacen desde puertas, cocinas, armarios, parquets… a proyectos completos de carpintería de madera, a medida cuyos resultados avalan sus más de 100 años de experiencia en el sector.

Disponen de un taller propio desde dónde fabrican todos sus productos. Trabajan de manera personalizada, siempre de acuerdo con los gustos y necesidades del cliente, combinando funcionalidad y estética. Sus conocimientos de diseño les permite presentar proyectos minuciosos fieles al resultado final.

Pide presupuesto sin compromiso, verás que es de las mejores opciones de Mallorca.


Mallorcan shutter son fabricantes y expertos en el sector de Persianas de madera, desde 1980, ofreciendo las más tradicionales hasta las más innovadoras, persianas de aluminio, cristaleras y barandillas. Cuentan con soluciones de orientación de lamas y sistemas de correderas con railes, vistos u ocultos, también abatibles exteriores y correderas con guías KLEIN.

Al ser fabricantes pueden trabajar de forma personalizada para los clientes, pueden hacer todo lo que necesites a medida y gusto del cliente.

They work with different woods, mostly with Fir and Iroko (imitation Teak), and when the work requires it, by type of lacquer, by weight, etc. They use some of the following woods: Poplar, Sapelli, Sepí, Norte, Framiré and Sipo.

Posteriormente, desde el año 2005 incorporaron el taller de carpintería metálica, aumentando su servicio con la sustitución de persianas y cristaleras antiguas. La empresa ubicada en Sa Pobla realizan presupuestos sin compromiso por toda la isla.


Situados en Palma de Mallorca, Hepo paints cuenta con más de 30 años de experiencia en el sector de la pintura y la decoración. Gracias a la gran calidad de sus trabajos, su trato cercano y sus increíbles acabados, se han ganado la confianza de sus clientes durante todo este tiempo.

Hepo paints es una empresa familiar, que ha vivido con la tradición y la pintura desde un inicio. Su pasión por la pintura se ve reflejada en todos sus trabajos, trabajando al lado del cliente y siempre bajo sus necesidades.

Se especializan en una gran variedad de servicios, como la pintura de interior, con la que podrás dar una nueva cara a tu hogar, ofrecen la mejor pintura y materiales del mercado para conseguir el acabado que buscas. Los lacados de puertas darán un brillo especial a las mismas, como si fueran totalmente nuevas.

Si los muebles a pintar, también necesitan ser restaurados, lo puedes dejar en sus manos, dejarán tus muebles como nuevos, y listos para volver a tu hogar. Además, realizan todo tipo de pinturas, con efectos vintage para darle un toque singular a tu hogar, o pinturas decorativas personalizadas.


Electrical Installations Rubén Pino offers comprehensive services electricity, electrical engineering, plumbing, air conditioning and maintenance throughout the island of Mallorca. Sus servicios destacan por la profesionalidad de su equipo, su compromiso y la atención al cliente.

Among all its services, we highlight the following: Electricidad, Air conditioning and renewable energy and Fontaneria.

Como novedades encontraras instalaciones de autoconsumo aisladas y a red.

Trust the installation, maintenance or repair of your home or business in Electrical Installations Rubén Pino, un referente en su sector, situados en Manacor que ofrece servicios profesionales excelentes en toda la isla de Mallorca.


Since there are two of us is a company from Mallorca Dedicated to all types of constructions and reforms. Está formado por excelentes profesionales que son el principal activo de su empresa.

If you are savers without a doubt Since there are two of us es vuestra empresa de construcción. Its objective is to deliver the best quality on the market and at reasonable prices.. Trabajan con dedicación para todo tipo de construcciones y reformas en general, en todos sus servicios disponen de rapidez de ejecución y usan los mejores materiales y maquinarias.

Cuentan con una plantilla formada por profesionales altamente cualificados, responsables y expertos en todos los campos. Os reformarán el hogar con la calidad, seriedad y experiencia que han acreditado en sus más de 10 años de trabajo en el sector de construcción.

Do not hesitate to contact Since there are two of us to renovate your home or business in the Balearic Islands!
Los encontraréis en Felantix y se desplazan por toda la isla de Mallorca sin coste adicional.


Balearic shower is a company located in Palma and that be dedicated exclusivamente a la reforma integral de cuartos de baño y cambios de bañera por ducha. Son profesionales y pueden asesoraros para garantizar la mejor solución a vuestras necesidades. También pueden diseñar y reformar de nuevo un cuarto de baño.

Su principal objetivo es la satisfacción de todos sus clientes, por eso cuentan con diferentes productos para vuestro baño: mamparas, platos de ducha, grifería y duchas, muebles de baño, sanitarios y azulejos y accesorios. Además, cuentan con una gran red de proveedores y con las marcas más prestigiosas, lo que aseguran una gran calidad y máxima durabilidad en las reformas.

Balearic shower, en tan solo 48 hours puede sustituir vuestra bañera por un práctico y elegante plato de ducha y adaptar el baño para personas con movilidad reducida, haciéndolo más seguro y accesible. No dudéis en contactar con ellos para pedir un presupuesto sin compromiso y totalmente personalizado.


Passive Constructions es una empresa de Marratxí (Mallorca) que lleva más de dos décadas desarrollando su trabajo con un equipo de especialistas, un departamento de proyectos y técnicos cualificados con amplia experiencia laboral en el sector.

They are in charge of developing new construction projects or works that require a partial rehabilitation of housing or installation of roof coverings. Su principal objetivo es realizar cualquier trabajo con todas las garantías y un acabado perfecto, para la máxima satisfacción de cada uno de sus clientes. Además, colaboran con grandes marcas de proveedores que garantizan la calidad de la construcción.

Se han especializado en reformas integrales en la isla y en rehabilitaciones de vivienda tipo mejora de cocinas y baños o la rehabilitación de fachadas. Passive Constructions cumple estrictamente la normativa en materia de prevención de riesgos laborales.

Su equipo de profesionales trabaja para tener los proyectos listos en el menor tiempo posible y a un precio ajustado. Pide presupuesto sin compromiso y empieza a hacer realidad el proyecto que estás pensando.

Tramuntana Rent a Car Menorca is the leading rental company cheap cars in Menorca. They offer a service full of advantages where you can rent a car without a prior excess, with insurance included, with a clear gasoline policy and with delivery and return in person.

His priority is that you can enjoy the freedom and comfort of traveling with your vehicle around the island. Being able to choose when and where you take breaks and drive at your leisure with total freedom.


At Tramuntana Rent a Car Menorca They make it very easy for you to choose your rental vehicle:

Easy drop off and pick up.

No Franchises.

FREE Cancelation.

The best price.

Wide range of vehicles.

Choose the rental period.


Easy delivery and collection: They carry out direct delivery and collection at the same Menorca airport, just when you pick up the bags you will find a professional from the company waiting for you with a sign Tramuntana Rent a Car Menorca.

Without franchises: They do not charge franchise or reservation in advance.

FREE Cancelation: You can always make a free cancellation.

The best price: you will pay what is fair and with direct delivery.

Choose the rental period: choose the exact days and weeks and don't overpay.


They do not charge supplements.

Clear fuel policy.

Precios low cost.

24 hour roadside assistance.

  • They do not charge supplements if you are drivers young people or novices under 25 years of age.
  • They have one clear fuel policy: The car is delivered and collected with the same fuel as it was delivered.
  • Prices low cost closed: Rental prices, plus very cheap, are closed and the franchise is not retained.
  • Free 24-hour roadside assistance included in all insurance and mileage unlimited.
  • Possibility of all risk insurance.

You will be able to choose the car you prefer from among its fleet that is continuously renewed so that you can enjoy the latest models in the best conditions.

On their website you can find frequently asked questions, customer recommendations or answer any questions so that your experience is ten.


Tramuntana Rent a Car Menorca It is located in three areas of the island of Menorca to be able to serve any type of client. you will find them in menorca airport, in Menorca Mahon Champagne Menorca Citadel, where they also do the delivery and collection in the same port of the island.

📸 Reforms and services Puchaicela

Renovate a bathroom, a kitchen, completely renovate a home, paint your house, change the aluminum, iron or carpentry Pvc, carry out a comprehensive cleaning, or why not, install a pool in your home on the island of Mallorca.

In this report you will find a wide variety of professionals, all of them experts in services and renovations of private homes, premises, hotels, companies... great professionals in whom you can trust large or small renovations.

Renovations and services on the Island of Mallorca, which will make your life much easier, more comfortable and beautiful!


Constructions and Reforms Xisco Soler, a company located in Sant Llorenç de Cardassar, Mallorca, where they will make the renovation of your dreams a reality.

With a close and professional treatment, Xisco, the creator, and his team, have extensive experience in the sector, with years of dedication to works and constructions, comprehensive renovations, apartments and offices.

offer tailored budgets, personalized plans and advice so that the work you dream of turns out in the best possible way. They also work with the best materials on the island, a portfolio of competitive and cutting-edge products, with excellent, on-trend and very innovative finishes.

You can have that home you have always dreamed of, hand in hand with Construction and Reforms Xisco Soler, the best interior and exterior design work, specialists in bathroom renovations, with all the finishes and details you want. The most modern kitchens, or that change of facade for your home that you have always wanted.


Pons Yeseros is a company dedicated to the plastering sector founded in 1974.

It has an excellent team of professionals thanks to its long history to guarantee a job well done and of high quality.
Its main objective is to satisfy the client by carrying out and guaranteeing the work with seriousness, qualified labor and using high quality materials.
They offer interior, exterior and decoration coating services; placement of moldings, soundproofing work, fireproofing, copies of specific moldings in plaster, partitions, etc.
They work with high quality brands such as: Knauf, Pladur, Rocwool, Danosa, Novo Construc…
Contact them and ask for a budget without obligation!


Puchaicela Construction and Reforms is a company dedicated to the construction and renovation of both new construction and old construction, being a reference company within the municipality of Campos, with more than 15 years of experience.

They are specialists in large or small projects, they adapt to the client's needs using the best materials on the market for each occasion, thus optimizing time and results. They have a large portfolio of loyal customers, thanks to their excellent service.

Son microcement specialists on any surface, decoration coating material and, they carry out all types of work:

  • Of new work.
  • General reforms.
  • Renovation of bathrooms and kitchens.
  • Covers and roofs.
  • Rehabilitation of facades.

They put at your disposal a service of 24 hour emergency karting plumbing and electrical, to help you whenever you need it. They are also dedicated to the construction of swimming pools and their rehabilitation and repair services.


This exhibition takes a tour of the history of contemporary art in the Pitiusas Islands Font carpentry metallic is located in Muro, on the island of Mallorca. It is a company specialized in the manufacture and assembly of carpentry in aluminum, iron and PVC.

This exhibition takes a tour of the history of contemporary art in the Pitiusas Islands Font carpentry metallic is responsible for installing all types of stairs, enclosures, railings, operable gates, sliding or automatisms and awnings, which will give a new image to your home, providing quality to the clients' budget, and complying with safety and approval requirements.

In addition, they offer high quality products in European series and thermal break, offering an extensive range of colors and finishes.

Apart from having a clear philosophy and professionalism in terms of meeting deadlines and producing the best finishes, the company works with experience accompanied by a specialized team, recognized for its efficiency and excellent work.

They will always prioritize the final result and customer satisfaction.

Thanks to their good transportation and assembly system, they can move the best materials and products wherever customers want.

Don't wait any longer, consult your quote without obligation and join hands with the team at This exhibition takes a tour of the history of contemporary art in the Pitiusas Islands Font carpentry metallic!


Home renovations in Mallorca, with the help of Balearic Apollo, a construction company with more than 20 years of experience, are a guarantee of impeccable work. They are in charge of carrying out any reform that is proposed to them.

Closeness to the client, professionalism and competitive prices characterize them. They adapt to the client's needs, offering a personalized plan from the first moment, along with a customized budget.

They work with all types of professionals, their staff includes architects or surveyors, who make their works unbeatable. They have large cranes and trucks that will transport all the materials around the island without problems.

features Apolo Balear Constructions and Reforms, whether new construction, or a small renovation, they will leave your home like new!


Specialized in enclosures and renovations, Canton Supplies and Assemblies It is your option to give a new face to your home. Their team of professionals works from their experience to recommend the best for your home, enclosures, renovations or installations, you can do everything with Canton Supplies and Assemblies.

They have specialized material for this type of work, as well as transportation to be able to carry it out throughout the island effectively.

In addition to the enclosures, they also work on installing Majorcan blinds, roller blinds, mosquito nets and the necessary materials for greater comfort in your home.

Glass enclosures are their specialty, they will make your balcony terrace a larger and brighter place, so you can take advantage of all those meters you need. Give a radical change to your home with Canton Supplies and Assemblies!


The construction of quality homes on the island of Mallorca is the responsibility of Safe Constructions. With more than 45 years of experience in the sector, it becomes one of the longest-standing companies you can trust for your home renovations.

They are responsible for the construction of luxury homes and villas, building and renovating the best houses on the island, with quality and top-quality materials, such as townhouses on the beachfront and on surfaces with privileged views, where Safe Constructions is in charge of building the house of your dreams.

For premises, offices or studios, they also become the best option, with their team of specialized professionals, they will be able to install services such as electricity, carpentry, air conditioning and solar energy, with which you can save and help the planet in turn, everything! They are advantages!

features Safe Constructions, Whether you want a new home from which to enjoy Mallorca, or if you want to give a new life to your house, it is your best option!


To give a new face to your home, David Fernández Painting and Decoration offers you a comprehensive renovation service, in which you can find that touch that will make the difference and that you have always wanted for your home. With personalized advice, they offer you a tailored plan in which they will give you solutions for interiors and exteriors.

They solve damage to walls and ceilings, such as dampness or cracks, In addition, they will offer you changes to them such as personalized paintings or drawings that will give new life to those rooms. His wood and masonry work is another of his strong points, with which you will be delighted.

A home renovation may seem long and complicated, but with David Fernandez Time and quality are not a problem, count on them!


Unblocking Miguel It is a Mallorcan company, which stands out for offering a 24-hour service, 365 days a year, an aspect that is appreciated by customers who call with emergencies. With more than 10 years of experience, they can take care of these, as well as any other job that requires plumbing.

They offer unclogging and pipe changing services, as well as inspection of pipes, sewers and manholes. You can count on Desatascos Miguel for any type of irregularity in the pipes of your home or office. Likewise, work with a camera to know exactly the root of the problem and solve it quickly.

With proximity service and close and personalized customer service, Unblocking Miguel has earned the trust of its customers over all these years. It has Unblocking Miguel to improve the life of your pipes in Mallorca!


Cinderella Cleanings is a service company specialized in cleaning and disinfecting homes and offices on the island of Mallorca. Their team of professionals has years of experience, they are responsible for cleaning, disinfection or any aspect that requires sanitary maintenance.

They offer very diverse services, such as cleaning hotels, agrotourism properties or apartments, as well as offices and companies, with a long schedule to cover all types of needs. The completion of work or home renovations always leaves damage, and Cinderella Cleanings will help you achieve an excellent finish.

They carry out cleanings in neighborhood communities and buildings with maximum efficiency, as well as cleaning vacation rental houses, which is very common on these islands. If your home has suffered an accident, such as a flood, they will also take care of leaving it like new!


With more than 20 years of experience in painting, lacquering and varnishing services, Lacquers and Decoration JS It is presented as one of the references in the city of Marratxí and the rest of the island, due to its professionalism and close treatment with its clients.

Adapting to your needs, they work with the best materials on the market, thus leaving excellent finishes on all types of surfaces, such as wood and metal surfaces, sometimes difficult to treat and renew, and Lacquers and Decoration JS This job fits perfectly.

With their team of professionals and their experience, they manage to solve any type of assignment, working on houses, walls, metal fences or boats, leaving them completely new. You will be able to offer a new face to your home at a very good price.


Islavent Balear located in the town of Marrachí, Mallorca. It is dedicated to the sale and installation of aluminum and PVC carpentry, offering the best brands on the market to obtain the results and finishes you expect.

They adapt to your needs by offering personalized designs and tailored budgets.

In addition to their products and services, they offer a project on prefabricated houses, where you can create the house of your dreams from scratch.

Bioclimatic pergolas are another of their attractions that you can count on for greater comfort in your home. They also have minimalist aluminum carpentry where you can find the best to decorate your home.

Islavent Balear It has a team of advisors who offer close and personalized treatment, adapting to any budget.

Listen to your ideas and start making your dreams come true with Islavent Balear.


Paints and Lacquers Toni Planes, offers you to make that change that you have always wanted for your home, in the form of painting and changes to the walls, ceilings or furniture, with which you can give a new face to your house in a simple and economical way.

They are characterized by their professional staff, their close and personalized treatment and compliance with agreed times. They will offer you a personalized plan in which you can find everything you want for your home, choose the colors, shapes, lacquers and everything you need.

Among its services are high-quality lacquers and varnishes, in matte or glossy tones, exterior painting of homes and facades and interior painting, both smooth and decorative,

among which are personalized drawings and templates to give more life to your home. Brilliant!

Fotografías hechas con el corazón, así realiza los reportajes fotográficos Esteban Garí, un fotógrafo de Mallorca especializado en plasmar todos los momentos y emociones de un día tan importante como lo es una boda, o cualquier otro tipo de evento , ya sea familiar o de empresa.

Photography is one of the passions of Esteban Garí. A Esteban, le encanta ayudar a los demás captando los momentos más especiales de sus vidas.

Weddings and events are the strengths of Esteban Garí, por lo que si estás pensando en empezar a preparar tu boda o evento en la Isla de Mallorca, ¡este reportaje te interesa, y mucho!

Esteban Garí ofrece servicios de fotografía para bodas, así como para eventos familiares como son cumpleaños o eventos de empresa y eventos corporativos en Mallorca, toda la península y en todo el mundo.

Gracias a su amplia experiencia, cuenta con una red de proveedores de confianza de la que te podrás beneficiar si necesitas servicios de vídeo para bodas en Mallorca, Florista, Photocall y cualquier otra necesidad que puedas tener.

❤️ White

“Vive el momento más especial todos los días”

Esteban Garí, se encargará de retratar cada momento de tu boda. De plasmar en una imagen cada emoción, cada instante y cada sensación. Trabaja desde el corazón, y es desde ahí, desde donde se consiguen plasmar los sentimientos invisibles a nuestros ojos.

Believe in what you feel and photograph what you see, con una precisión única, con la que ningún detalle pasa desapercibido. Logra natural images de momentos irrepetibles, de momentos efímeros, únicos, de los que ponen el vello de punta.

👉¿Qué servicios incluyen los packs de boda de Esteban Garí?

Pack Premium

Pack Pre / Post boda a elegir

Wooden Box M

Álbum 35x35cm 80 páginas

album case

full coverage

Entrega digital superior a 800 fotos

online gallery

1900 €

Pack Estandard



Álbum 35x35cm 60 páginas

album case

full coverage

Entrega digital superior a 800 fotos

online gallery

1700 €

Pack digital





full coverage

Entrega digital superior a 800 fotos

online gallery

1400 €

🎂 Private events

“Tu evento, tu historia”

Un cumpleaños, put out, un babyshower, una fiesta quinceañera, graduaciones, sea cual sea el evento que quieras celebrar, es imprescindible que cuentes con un buen fotógrafo como Esteban Garí, que consigue, gracias a su experiencia, técnica y sensibilidad, unas imágenes únicas de todas las fiestas que retrata.

En cada de una de ellas plasma, con todo detalle, lo sucedido en un momento tan especial como lo es tu evento particular. Ningún momento especial pasa desapercibido para Esteban Garí, quién cámara en mano, no se pierde ningún detalle de todo lo ocurrido .

📷 Events for companies

Immortalize your event and gain visibility and trust“

Networkings, actividades para grupos, conferencias, presentaciones de nuevos productosEsteban Garí se adapta a cada tipo de evento que necesites celebrar.

Y es más, detalla con sus fotografías todo lo sucedido durante el acto, sin que apenas notes su presencia.

Un fotógrafo con el que garantizarás que todos tus patrocinadores, todas las actividades llevadas a cabo, todos los ponentes aparezcan en el reportaje.

Tendrás tu reportaje de fotografía, o vídeo, o ambas cosas, a punto, con la mayor profesionalidad y sin dilación alguna. Ganarás visibilidad, confianza y la satisfacción de tus clientes.

entrust to Esteban Garí los momentos más importantes de tu boda o evento, y revive la esencia de ese gran día durante toda tu vida.

📸 Gelabert Bakery and Pastry

Traditional mantecados, anise donuts, wine donuts, anise and potato cakes, wafers, nougat cakes, nougats, panettones, king cakes….Sweeten Christmas with our selection of artisan bakeries and pastry shops in Mallorca. Christmas sweets for all tastes! Discover them and try them!

FORN CA’N PISTOLA – Lloseta, Mallorca

This Christmas let yourself be carried away by the Christmas delights of the Forn Ca'n Pistol. You'll find mantecados, anise donuts, anise shortbread, cocotins, butter pastries, roscón de Reyes, trunk of Kings...

Forn Ca’n Pistola is a bakery and pastry shop with more than 70 years of experience that is committed to traditional flavors of always with modern touches.

  • They make the bread, kneaded by hand, one by one and baked in a traditional stone oven. They have different types of bread, apart from village bread, such as brown bread, whole wheat, bread with salt, xeixa bread, among others.
  • Too you will find all kinds of desserts and cakes, as their recognized ensaimadas of different flavors (cream, cream, chocolate, truffle, sobrassada, kinder chocolate, walnuts, cardinals, cakes...

  • His great specialty: the cremadillos.
  • also offer salad specials: Cocas and empanadas with products as unique as trampó or roasted peppers, which delight residents and visitors. As well as Galician empanadas, cocarrois, sandwiches...

Sweeten your palate at Forn Ca'n Pistola!

PASTISSERIA REAL – Palma, Mallorca

Surprise all your guests with the best Christmas craft products in the Pastisseria Real how are the Traditional shortbreads, almond shortbreads, aniseed or wine donuts, aniseed and potato cakes, wafers, nougat cakes, panettones….

  • The Pastisseria Real is a project of the Gelabert family since 1974. Five generations making sweets and breads.
  • its specializing in ensaimadas, artisan breads and quality pastries are a benchmark throughout the island.
  • The family business has inherited a centuries-old recipe from oil biscuits Also, the Mallorcan brown bread and white bread, are their most requested specialties.
  • El Forn Real also offers a selection of organic breads with spelled flour, wheat flour and multigrain breads, which vary according to the day of the week.

It should be noted that they have achieved various awards, in 2019 were selected from The 80 best bakers in Spain on the route of good Spanish bread and between the 3 best in the Balearic Islands. They also got the prize for the best brown bread 2019 in Mallorca, just like him third place in the World Championship of the ensaimada 2018.


If you are a lover of Christmas sweets, you cannot miss the proposals of the Gelabert Bakery and Pastry. Elaborate Mantecados, cocotins, bitters, potato flirts with aniseed, ensaimadas, panettones and nougat. You can make your order in advance and sweeten Christmas.

He Gelabert Bakery and Pastry It is a prestigious establishment and benchmark in the sector, located in Llubí. Three generations of artisan bakers since 1937.

  • Have Artisan bread made with different flours, such as spelt, garrocha, rye... The process consists of using sourdough and long fermentations without additives.
  • One of its specialties are the ensaimadas, made in a traditional and traditional way. All his recipes are made in an artisan way but with innovative touches, always looking for new combinations and new flavors.
  • They have more than 65 types of ensaimadas, 10 varieties of empanadas, they specialize in dobles, cremadillos, artisan butter croissants and offer a wide assortment of cakes.
    • In 2018 they won the first prize for the best ensaimada in the world! Fantastic!

This Christmas surprise your guests with the sweet artisans of the Gelabert Bakery and Pastry!

CA’N CERDÀ BAKERY AND PASTRY – Valldemosa, Mallorca

What is richer than Christmas sweets? Surprise yours these dates with the Christmas offers from Ca'n Cerdà Forn i Pastisseria. with an impressive roscón de reyes, panettone, or coca de patata, a very light and fluffy sweet bun, typical of Valldemossa. Delicious accompanied with hot chocolate!

Ca'n Cerda Bakery and Pastry follows the tradition of Balearic sweet and savory confectionery since 1950 in Mallorca.

  • It is a family business of three generations specializing in traditional pastries.
  • Its main objective is preserve the quality of the products in their own elaboration, both in bakery and pastry.
  • They have exquisite home-made proposals such as ensaimadas, cocas, fritters, empanadas, handmade white and brown country bread, sweets, etc.
  • Besides, their ensaimadas, they are excellent, were finalists in the 2020 Ensaimadas World Championship.
  • They are made with high quality products and following its slow fermentation step by step to achieve the exquisite flavors that they offer us.
  • they also do artisan ice cream and they have a wide variety of exquisite salty pastries.

You'll love it!


You will find the most delicious sweets in the Bakery and Pastry shop in Arraval! They make traditional Christmas products how nougats, Christmas logs, roscones de Reyes, marzipan, coal, potato cakes

El Forn i Pastisseria s'Arraval is a company that was founded more than 27 years ago, which is located in the center of Felanitx.

  • They are dedicated to the artisanal production of products such as bread, bakery, cakes and confectionery.
  • You'll find freshly made sweet and savory products.
  • They make ensaimadas, fruit cakes, tarts, cakes, pizzas, all kinds of breads, sweet and savory croissants, cookies, donuts, chocolates, muffins, etc.
  • They also carry out orders such as personalized cakes for birthdays and other events that the client needs.
  • They serve breakfast and snacks every day.

Delicious handmade products perfect to sweeten these very important dates.

FORN D'ES PONT - Palma, Mallorca

The Christmas sweets that cannot be missing from the Christmas table are the proposals of Furnace bridge is. Throughout the Christmas season they make Mantecados, nougats, panettones, cocotins, potato coquetes with aniseed, ensaimadas... You can make your order in advance and sweeten Christmas.

Furnace bridge is is a workshop dedicated to the manufacture and sale of 100% artisan products with more than 50 years of experience.

  • Its main production is bakery and confectionery products Mallorcan and following the same resting and fermentation conditions that the old Majorcan master craftsmen did.
  • In the workshop you will find sweets like the exquisite Angel hair ensaimadas, marzipan, dried fruit, truffle...
  • We highlight their bread white and brown peasants, rye bread, llonguets and their crystal bread.
  • They also prepare cat cake, sacher cake, cardinal's arm, mousses, Normandy cakes, etc. You won't know where to start!
  • In addition, they are specialists in Artisan robiols, chocolates, crepes, cremadillos, artisan butter croissants and a great assortment of pastries.

This Christmas surprise your guests with the sweet artisans of the Bakery and pastry shop d'Es Pont!

FORN SELVA CAN FELIP – Selva, Mallorca

If you are looking for an artisan pastry to triumphs with Christmas sweets during these dates, the bakery Oven Selva Can Philip, from Selva, is what you are looking for.

  • Elaborate shortbread nougat and artisan shortbread. Needle, Christmas logs and roscones de reyes made with sourdough and naturally fermented.
  • In his artisan workshop, in addition, You will find different types of bread, made in the traditional way, as the canons dictate, with the necessary patience, the best flours and natural yeasts.
  • Also you find stuffed ensaimadas, with fruits, sweet and salty cocas, “panades” salty and stuffed with different flavors…
  • Their cakes will not leave you indifferent. In different sizes and flavors and with impressive presentations, they are ideal for any good occasion.

He Oven Selva Can Philip, work the sweets of all the festivities of the year, so you will always find the best traditional sweet prepared for you

You can make orders by phone or in your own establishment. A complete success!

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