Meat Fair and Sóller Embotit
In this market you will find the greatest variety of meat and sausages that you can imagine. Tradition and quality for all visitors, as well as:
- Exhibition of the history of the sausage factories of Sóller, based on the book by Juan Antonio Fernández Vila and Antoni Quetglas Cifre.
- Performance by Xeremiers de Sóller, Aires Sollerics and AnimAcústicA.
- In this market you will find the largest variety of meat and sausage that you can imagine
- You will also find specialties of artisan bread, pastries, local products, wines, artisan sauces...
An unavoidable visit if you are a fan of sausages and artisan meats from Mallorca.
This is an initiative of the Sóller City Council and the local Butcher Sector so that you can enjoy a new, different and very tasty market.