Los 8 imprescindibles para tu boda perfecta en Menorca

Celebra tu boda en Menorca. Tenemos un especial perfecto para ti. Descubre el paraíso del Mediterráneo, un escenario lleno de encanto, ideal para tu boda. Uno de los destinos perfectos para celebrar bodas. Por ello, te presentamos los imprescindibles para completar tu gran día y tener una boda de ensueño.

Te ofrecemos diferentes propuestas para organizar tu boda en Menorca. ¿Te los perderás? ¡Prepara papel y bolígrafo que empezamos!


¡Te casas! Y no sabes por donde empezar, tienes un sinfín de ideas pero no te acabas de decidir. Buscas una boda con estilo propio con alta dosis de creatividad y originalidad. Te presentamos una wedding planner de renombre, Natalia Brichs, especialistas en organizar bodas totalmente personalizadas.

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Su objetivo es hacer que tu boda sea el día más emocionante y bonito de vuestra vida. Desde el primer momento escuchará tus ideas y te asesorará con las mejores opciones y las últimas tendencias del mercado nupcial. Creará una atmósfera ideal, un escenario mágico, perfecto, que refleje vuestro estilo y vuestra personalidad.

totnuvis natalia brichs

Profesionalidad, pasión y rigor son las palabras que mejor definen el trabajo de Natalia Brichs. Gracias a su experiencia en el mundo nupcial, conseguirá que tu boda sea tal como siempre habías soñado.


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Santa Rosa 28
07701 Maó – Menorca
Tel: 664 051 628

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Ameniza tu boda con el músico Paolo Scarpa. Crea una atmósfera y un ambiente perfecto con música en directo. La música en acústica enmarcará los momentos más importantes de vuestro gran día, dejando un recuerdo de por vida. Sorprende a todos tus invitados con la voz de Paolo Scarpa, un músico italiano afincado en Menorca.

paolo scarpa

Con sólo su voz y su guitarra pondrá ritmo a tu enlace, despertará los sentimientos y las emociones de tus invitados., garantizando el entretenimiento y originalidad de tus invitados. Ofrece un gran repertorio de canciones actuales y en sintonía con tus gustos. Conoce su lista de canciones clicando aquí.


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Port d’Addaia (Menorca)
Tel: 616 445 792

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Revive con la fotografía un sinfín de recuerdos del día más importante de vuestra vida con Ornela Rubioli. Esta gran fotógrafa afincada en Menorca, narra histórias de amor a través de sus reportajes de bodas. Cada instantánea es un cúmulo de recuerdos, de momentos únicos de la vida que merecen ser recordados con el paso de los años. 

Comparte su pasión por la fotografía. Persigue la espontaneidad, la naturalidad  y la esencia de cada momento a la hora de transmitir vuestra historia sin artificios.


Realiza reportajes de autor con un estilo muy natural, fresco y divertido. Cuidará cada detalle y captará la complicidad de una mirada, una sonrisa, ese momento lleno de emociones y sensaciones. Los servicios que ofrece son: Preboda, Boda completa, post boda y sesiones de parejas y familias. Tiene disponibilidad de desplazamiento a cualquier lugar donde se celebre el evento.

ornela rubioli


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Camí Reial de Pou Nou 21 bis – 07701 Sant Lluís (Menorca)
Tel: 605 872 673

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Déjate llevar con la mejor puesta en escena y ambientación de Acústic Menorca. Una empresa dedicada al sonido e iluminación, referente en el sector audiovisual, con más de 15 años de experiencia, que además, ofrece servicios integrales en la organización y producción de todo el evento.
acustic menorca

Siente la música y déjate seducir por su propuesta audiovisual en el día más importante de vuestras vidas. Crearán momentos inolvidables gracias a su profesionalidad y máxima calidad  en el mundo del sonido, iluminación y visuales. Se encargarán de personalizar tu evento teniendo en cuenta hasta el último detalle para que tu enlace sea todo un éxito.

acustic menorca


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Calle Bijuters, 18 B ­ Parcela 30 – 07760 Ciutadella (Menorca)
Tel: 971 484 339

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Llena de color y de alegría el día más importante de vuestras vidas con la floristería Es Bonsais, cuentan con más de 27 años decorando bodas en Maón.

es bonsai

Sus preciosas composiciones florales darán un toque diferente y original a vuestro enlace. Os ayudarán a definir vuestro estilo, a plasmar vuestras ideas y a escoger la gama de colores y texturas que mejor se adapte a vuestra celebración. Su trabajo destaca por su gran profesionalidad y la calidad de sus productos, adaptándose a vuestro presupuesto.

es bonsai

Ofrecen una infinidad de opciones en decoraciónTodas sus composiciones florales irán acorde con vuestra personalidad. Disponen de tienda online y ofrecen servicio en las Islas Baleares, la Península com en el extranjero.


Visita el web

Camí des Castell 2 – 07702 Maó (Menorca)
Tel: 971 36 98 18

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Si eres de Menorca, Novias Guajara será una apuesta segura. Su taller se encuentra en el centro de Mahón. Su equipo de profesionales te recibirán con los brazos abiertos para conocer tus preferencias y diseñarte el vestido de tus sueños.

Des del primer momento, te asesorarán para que se ajuste según tu estilo y personalidad. Están al día en las últimas tendencias para el año 2017, y te ayudarán ha crear tu vestido excepcional. Y si lo prefieres, diseñan y confeccionan todos los complementos que quieras lucir para tu boda. El resultado final será un conjunto perfecto. Concierta una visita con ellos. ¡Éxito garantizado!


Visita el web

Sant Jordi 24 local – 07702 Maó (Menorca)
Tel: 971 36 76 51

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Déjate cautivar por los diseños originales y creativos del Taller Scrap en Menorca y sorprende a todos tus invitados.

El scrapbooking es una técnica que consiste a realizar álbumes por fotos, libro de firmas, etiquetas, tarjetas por cualquier acontecimiento. Proyectos completamente artesanales, 100% personalizados hechos a medida.

taller scrap totnuvis

El Taller Scrap te ofrecerán proyectos únicos hechos a los gustos y necesidades de cada pareja siempre adaptados a todo tipo de presupuesto. Cada trabajo requiere un mínimo de 15 días o 1 mes para terminarlo.

taller scrap totnuvis


Visita el web

07701 Maó (Menorca)
Tel: 667 028 653

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Empieza vuestra nueva vida de casados con un viaje de ensueño con la agencia online Travel and Dream. Cuentan con una larga trayectoria en el sector turístico ofreciendo experiencias únicas e inolvidables. Si os apasiona viajar, la agencia os propondrá vivir una experiencia única. Trabajan con todas las destinaciones. 

totnuvis travel and dream

Recibiréis un asesoramiento personalizado y de calidad. Trabajan con el objetivo de crear el viaje de vuestros sueños y que podáis conocer mundo. A partir de vuestras preferencias, gustos e intereses  harán que vuestro viaje sea totalmente a medida y lleno de momentos insólitos. 

Ofrecen paquetes vacacionales, hoteles, cruceros, vuelos y transportes en general, así como viajes hechos a medida. Son especialistas en realizar viajes personalizados.


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Palma – Servicio Online
Tel: 684 226 007

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Escapada a Menorca en otoño

Que bonito es el otoño! La naturaleza menorquina se tiñe de mil colores. Menos turistas, menos colas y aglomeraciones. Una época ideal para una escapada a Menorca, para disfrutar descubriendo sus rincones más encantadores y dejarte seducir por su increíble belleza.

Lo único que necesitas son nuestras recomendaciones, una cámara y sobre todo, mucha ilusión y buen humor. ¿Nos vamos?

costa-menorcaImagen: Mar de Menorca

Si algo caracteriza a Menorca aparte de sus preciosas playas, son sus faros. Son una reliquia de una época lejana en que se construyeron para evitar los entonces frecuentes naufragios en las costas de la isla.  Podrás recorrer la ruta de los 7 faros, rodeando el borde de la isla, hasta regresar a tu punto de partida.

Admira una preciosa puesta de sol desde el Faro de Punta Nati, contágiate del romanticismo del entorno del Faro de Andrutx y disfruta de vistas impressionantes sobre Menorca desde el Faro de l’Illa de l’Aire.

far -cavalleria-menorca

Imagen: Faro de Cabo Cavalleria

Menorca alberga dos ciudades encantadoras que no te puedes perder. Ciutadella y Mahón.

Podrás recorrer Ciutadella a pié o en bicicleta en poco tiempo. Pasea por Ses Voltes, acércate a su Mercat Des Peix, degusta su gastronomía y déjate impregnar y fascinar por su ambiente único, inquieto, su personalidad abierta, acogedora y alegre. En el casco antiguo, el Palacio Salort será una visita obligada. Un monumento histórico majestuoso de principios del siglo X.IV, y asimismo lleno de contrastes arquitectónicos. Su maciza fachada se complementa a la perfección con la ligereza de sus arcadas de los laterales.


Imagen: Catedral de Ciutadella y vista de zona marítima 

Y por supuesto, la Catedral de Santa Maria de Ciutadella debe estar en tu lista. Su fachada presume de importancia histórica y arquitectónica

No olvides visitar el Castillo de San Nicolás, también en Ciutadella, y que data de finales del siglo 17. Fue construido con el fin de defender la isla de posibles enemigos. Se encuentra al lado del mar, lo cual le otorga un encanto muy especial.

Vive una experiencia fascinante y llena de sorpresas: Mahón! Una pequeña ciudad que presume de un sinfín de atractivos, una de las mil caras de esta isla multifacética.

mahón-menorcaImagen: Mahón

Explora sus callejuelas y rincones más auténticos, observa su gente y déjate seducir por sus costumbres, su alegría y su hospitalidad. Haz un alto en el camino para visitar la Iglesia del Carmen y la Iglesia de Santa María, ambas en pleno centro histórico.


Situado en una boca de mar al sur del puerto de Mahón, el Castillo de San Felipe será una parada obligada. Actualmente alberga el Museo Militar. Ten en cuenta que puedes visitarlo de noche (hasta las 23h), a los más pequeños de la familia les encantará!


Imagen: Castillo de San Felipe

Otros tesoros que aguarda Menorca en su vertiente costera són la Fortaleza de Isabel II y la Torre de Fornells.

La Fortaleza de Isabel II está situada en un brazo de tierra firme rodeado de mar, que forma el extremo este de la isla. Una grandiosa obra arquitectónica, un impresionante recinto que en su día fue creado con fines militares de defensa de la isla ante posibles invasores. Imprescindible!

La Torre de Fornells, al nord-este,  despertará tu interés debido a su espectacular tamaño.


Imagen: Fortaleza de Isabel II

Menorca no se acaba aquí. Tiene mucho que ofrecer en su zona interior.

Al oeste de la isla se encuentra Torrellafuda, un poblado talayótico que data de 100 a 600 a.c, rodeado de pastos y encinas y de belleza espectacular

En  Ferreries se encuentra otra joya menorquina: el poblado de Son Mercer de Baix. Está formado por un conjunto de 7 navetas de habitación de la prehistoria, una especie de cuevas que servían como viviendas para un poblado primitivo. Merece una visita sin duda!



Imagen: Torrellafuda

Acércate también a Torralba d’en Salord, otro poblado prehistórico, a poca distancia hacia el interior desde Mahón. Te dejará sin palabras, y además, será una gran aventura si viajas con niños!

En pleno centro de Menorca podrás admirar el punto más alto de la isla, Monte Toro. Un entorno verde, frondoso y montañoso que contrasta con el azul profundo del mediterráneo y la llanura que describe la mayoría de paisajes menorquinos. Los amantes del senderismo encontrarán aquí gran variedad de rutas que además te permitirán disfrutar de vistas fantásticas. Los apasionados del ciclismo podrán alquilar una bicicleta para explorar este pequeño paraíso terrenal.


Imagen: Vista desde Monte Toro

Menorca es un destino ideal para una escapada en verano, primavera, otoño e invierno. Es playa, montañas, historia, cultura y gastronomía. Ya tienes la ruta. Ya tienes la ilusión. Conócela, sorpréndete y enamórate de ella!



Donde comer / dormir:

Meson Rias Baixas

Mesón Rias Baixas


Molí des Racó

Molí des Racó

Es Mercadal

Restaurante Na Rosa

Restaurante Na Rosa

St. Lluís

Hotel Torralbenc



Compras / Servicios

Natalia Brichs Events

Natalia Brichs Events


viatges magon

Viatges Magon


dj bass

DJ Bass


el paladar jamonería

El Paladar Jamonería

Ciutadella / Mercadal / Mahón

es girasol floristeria

Es Girasol Floristería


The best features for your perfect wedding in Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera

The Balearic Islands are one of the most beautiful spots on Earth, a place many couples choose in order to make their greatest wedding – expectations come true.

Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera, all of them meet the requirements for the wedding – celebration of your dreams. Culture, a wonderful weather, gastronomy and stunning views, the perfect mix for a perfect wedding. And you can make it happen.

If you love the Mediterranean lifestyle, the beach, the sun and the most delicious seafood, take a look at our tips. Check out the following post! Here we go with the essential tools for your perfect wedding – experience on the sunny islands!

mallorca - vivi-events


DJ Bass

Make your wedding a great party! Let a good DJ play the perfect soundtrack and craft a wedding-reception where life – entertainment will ensure some extra fun! Dj Bass will adapt his song-list to the wedding – style and to your preferences, no matter where. Get married at a classy venue, at the beach or at your home’s backyard, this experienced DJ will set it with the most appropriate musical notes!


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Novias Guajara

On your wedding, you deserve to feel very special and look more beautiful and spectacular than ever. At  Boutique Novias Guajara you will find a huge variety of wonderful and unique wedding dresses that will match your style and budget! First class designers, the latest bridal fashion – hits and the most elegant accessories, at this boutique you’ll find all you need in order to look like a princess when it comes to whispering the most important “yes, I do” of your life. The boutique’s team will treat you with kindness and lead you through all the dress options until you find this one that is  completely perfect for you. Just drop in or ask for an appointment!


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Natalia Brichs Events Wedding

You have imagined your wedding a million times, with every single little detail perfectly fitting in this one big ensemble? The Natalia Brichs Events Wedding Team will rise to the challenge and meet your greatest expectations. These specialists in organizing the fanciest and most genuine weddings will consider your priorities and ideas in order to design a fabulous and memorable celebration, handling all the necessary features. From finding the ideal venue, to deco, lightning, music, flower arrangements and much more, leave everything in the most professional and trustworthy hands. You just relax and enjoy!


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Sunta Estilistes

Obviously, the main character of this wedding fairy-tale will be the bride, who should look gourgeous for this one in a lifetime – occasion. At Sunta Estilistes the team will take care of your beauty and personal image, making you shine brighter than ever before.  Hair, nails, skin and make up, these stylists will create a personalized beauty – program so that on your most unforgettable day, your look will be the great highlight, attracting everyone’s attention. You deserve to be your wedding’s star!


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Acústic Menorca

This Ciutadella – based business will be of great help when it comes to issues like sound, DJ and lightening for your ideal wedding. The Acústic Menorca team has one very clear aim: To design a personalized setting for your wedding, creating a unique ambience according to your personal – and wedding – style. No challenge will suppose a problem for them. Their expertise and talent assures you an exceptional and harmonic result: An amazing wedding with all the pieces of the puzzle perfectly fitting together.


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Floristería Es Bonzais

We are sure nobody can deny it: one thing a wedding can’t miss are the flowers. Flowers will spread colors, fragrance, elegance and freshness all over your wedding-venue. Flowers speak their own silent language, which will transmit your most special message of this special day. Floristería Es Bonzais will provide you with all the key items in form of flowers so that you can express all your love, appreciation and gratitude towards your friends and family. Local and exotic species, at this boutique you’ll find the most unexpected samples.

Compose your message and let the flowers share it!


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Vicky Pulgarin Catering

One essential issue for an unforgettable wedding – celebration will be the menu that you and your guests will enjoy during your greatest day. The catering service from Vicky Pulgarín, a national TV cooking – contest winner, knows this very well. Their recipes are inspired by the local traditional gastronomy and elaborated with the most outstanding regional products. Creativity, innovation and excellence perfectly describe this experienced professional team. They will listen to your suggestions and offer different options in order to compose your ideal banquet. Without any doubt, Vicky Pulgarín Catering will bring the most delicate and distinguished tastes to your bridal meal!

More information: click here

Mhares Sea Club Restaurant

We can’t imagine a more romantic scenario: the deep blue sea, surrounded by green and flowery nature, an elegant restaurant with amazing gardens and magical views. If you search for a wedding venue that will make this event completely unforgettable, this is your place. The Mhares Sea Club Restaurant offers this fascinating venue for exceptional wedding celebrations, including the civil marriage. Also, you won’t need to worry about complementary services like deco, flowers, music and photographer. The club’s team will take care of all, according to your guidelines and ideas. You just relax and enjoy your most special day!

More information: click here

Esteban Garí Photographer

Your wedding lasts one day, the pictures will last forever. No matter if you celebrate your wedding at a glamorous venue or at home, Esteban Garí will catch with his camera each feeling and emotion of your fairy – tale. His professional skills and artistic style will document every chapter of your wedding, creating a unique artistic album, according to the photographic style that most appeals to you.


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TST Events

Choosing the right music for your wedding will make the difference if you wish to add a personal touch to this day. The TST Events team will help you create the perfect wedding-playlist, selecting the songs that will cheer-up your great entrance, your walk down the aisle, and the tunes that will kick off your wedding – party. And for your convenience, you won’t need to worry about the watch. TST Events will let you enjoy and move to the rhythm with no regard of any limited schedule!


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Vivi Eventos

These wedding-planners are specialists at creating the most memorable storybook weddings, choosing the best venues and wedding- features (music, photographer deco etc). They also hold their own specific deco service that will transform your wedding-venue in the most spectacular and charming setting, revealing a silent message of deepest love and complete happiness.


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Restaurant Menestralia

Yes it’s possible: You can make your most eccentric dreams come true and get married in a castle-like venue! At Restaurante Menestralia, located at what used to be one of Mallorca’s medieval castles, the restaurant’s venue – halls still keep some legacy from it’s past. Large spaces with a cozy atmosphere, high ceilings, arches and stone-walls, a fantastic site, both during Mallorca’s summer paradise and when the island becomes a winter-wonderland, where your bridal meal will consist of the best local cuisine….don’t miss it!


More information: click here

Delicias y Mimos

Surprise your guests with an impressive and original wedding-cake! One traditional big or many individual tiny pies, it’s completely up to you. Delicias y Mimos will serve whatever you prefer. Striking cake-ideas, candy bars or donut towers, you can’t imagine all this pastry can provide you with in order to sweeten your wedding!


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Ibiza and Formentera

The Ibiza Wedding Planner

If you are looking for a prestigious wedding planner that talks your language and who will offer  an unbeatable service, The Ibiza Wedding Planner should be your choice. After carefully listening to your suggestions, wishes and ideas, this team will handle all the features in order to fulfill your most demanding expectations. Settings, flowers, deco, music, banquet and much more, you can entrust it all to them. Satisfaction guaranteed!

More information: click here

Vilacakes Ibiza

Make your sweetest dreams come true and serve a delightful wedding-cake to your guests. At Vilacakes you will have a huge variety of options from which to choose. From XL cakes to cute little individual cupcakes, these pastry experts will create the most delicious piece of art you have ever tasted. The bakery’s team is also a specialist in baking and decorating delightful cookies. Here goes a great idea: be original and set up a cookie-bar during the feast! Fantastic!


More information: click here

Chic Events Shop Ibiza

If your intention is to celebrate your wedidng at home, at a desertic beach or in the middle of a savage forest, set it it up for the occasion with the most awesome deco-items. At Chic Events Shop Ibiza you will discover the most unsuspected deco-articles. Cookie and candy – bars, garlands, candles, and tablewear  in a million forms and colours, you’ll want to take it all!


More information: click here

Mari Luz Diseño y Moda

Ibiza is known for keeping it’s own style in fashion. This applies also to wedding dresses and accessories. Never heard about the Ibiza bohemian chic? At Mari Luz Diseño y Moda you will find an amazing variety of wedding dresses in the latest local and international styles. Romantic princess-dresses, casual and cool vintage gowns, all the trends and designers you can imagine, this boutique holds plenty of high quality treasures made of tissue. The boutique’s team will welcome you offering a friendly attention and help you choose the best dress according to your personal style and appearance. Check it out!


More information: click here

Paolo Scarpa

If you want to celebrate a unique wedding, include unique details that make the difference! Live music during the ceremony or any other chapter of the event will be a hit! Paolo Scarpa is an Italian musician that with nothing but his outstanding and spectacular voice and his guitar will fill your wedding with the music you prefer. Jazz, blues, rock, classic or any other melodies you may desire, Paolo Scarpa will create a completely personalized soundtrack for this occasion. Wouldn’t that be something else!


More information: click here

Dipesa Group

The bride’s arrival to the church or venue is one of the highlights of any wedding. Dipesa will provide you with an elegant vehicle that will suit your needs and taste. Luxury cars with personal driver for the bride or the couple, besides buses for the guests’ transfers, on your wedding you deserve the most exclusive high standard vehicles and the most gentle attention. Besides, don’t worry about your budget, their price-list is affordable.

More iinformation: click here

Marewa Formentera

If you have in mind an intimate wedding with only a few guests, consider hiring a private chef! Marewa Formentera will impress you with a very special menu, including appetizers, which will be customized in order to adapt it to your needs and preferences. The chefs will cook on-site, with fresh ingredients of exceptional quality. There’s no limit concerning the kind of cuisine. Local or international dishes, vegetarian or gluten – free, any choice will be more than delicious. Rely on this splendid team and enjoy a wonderful five – star- Marewa -experience for your wedding!

More information: click here

Gecko Beach Club Formentera

Weddings in Formentera are special. Wonderful landscapes with stunning sights, a little paradise on earth surrounded by the famous and most awesome beaches of the turquoise Mediterranean Sea. We can’t imagine a more captivating scenario for a romantic and absolutely unique wedding. And neither can we imagine a more overwhelming wedding – venue than the Gecko Beach Club Formetera. Located right next to it’s own beautiful 150 m – long beach, amidst palm trees and flowery gardens, this luxurious boutique hotel offers elegant terraces, halls and stunning views, the most exquisite cuisine and tons of elegance and glamour. A splendid place for your banquet and for your photo – shooting. Do not hesitate, the occasion is worth it. You don’t get married every day!


More information: click here

Rutas es Boixets

Floats appear only in fairytales? Probably yes, but wouldn’t you love to make one your wedding? The company Rutas es Boixets will provide you with all the necessary for the bride’s arrival to the church or venue: gorgeous and elegant floats, majestic horses and  chauffeurs,  all carefully decorated and suited for an amazing staging. Besides, if you wish, your chauffeur will lead you as a wedded couple to some charming spot of the island for a magnificent photo – shooting. Sounds too good to be true!


More information: click here

Es Moli de la Sal

If you are passionate about seafood, sunny beach-landscapes and you want to celebrate a sailor-style wedding you can make it real at Es Moli de Sal. This enchanting and fancy restaurant bears all the tools and features for an original sea side wedding. A luminous dinning room with fantastic sights, a wide and spacious terrace, the best cooks and seafood of the area, and surroundings that transmit nothing but peace and harmony. You will also have the possibility to arrive by boat to the venue and the staff will escort you to the restaurant. What a brilliant idea!


More information: click here


Turn your wedding venue into a flowery work of art! Artnatur wil be your best ally when it comes to filling your wedding with the most precios flowers on earth. The boutique’s prestigeous team is specialised in creating unique and personalized deco – designs for weddings, making use of flowers of highest quality, freshness and beauty. Their innovative vision of decoration for venues and special events,  their art – inspired style and exceptional professionality  will assure you an absolutely dazzling setting. They have thousands of varieties available, so just pick your favourite blossoms and let these artists settle the perfect arrangements and bouquet!


More information: click here

Descubre Mallorca de Alcudia a Santanyí como nunca la habías visto


Alcudia se encuentra al nordeste de Mallorca y se trata de uno de los destinos más bonitos de todo Mallorca, y una de las ciudades más preciosas, una visita obligada si visitáis la isla. Alcudia es un pueblo amurallado con estructuras tanto medievales como modernistas que han sido restauradas recientemente para conservar tan preciadas estructuras. Desde hace unos años, se puede acceder a lo alto de las murallas y poder disfrutar de las vistas que ofrecen de la bahía y de la Sierra de Tramuntana.

Muy cerca de la ciudad, se encuentran las ruinas de la ciudad romana de Pollentia, que se fundó el año 123 a.C, un conjunto de excavaciones en que se pueden visitar la antigua zona residencial, el teatro y el foro, sin duda vale la pena ver las excavaciones debido a su interés turístico y cultural.

Las playas de Alcudia son uno de los destinos principales de la isla, con unas playas de color turquesa muy bonitas y sus costas tienen una gran variedad de playas y calas de todo tipo, desde playas abarrotadas de gente a calas vírgenes o nudistas. De estas playas, destacan la playa de Sant Pere, la playa de s’Illot y la playa de Alcanada.

Como último atractivo de la zona de Alcudia que vale la pena destacar, se encuentra el Parque Natural de S’Albufera, al que podéis acceder en coche. Se puede visitar y hay cuatro recorridos que se pueden hacer a pie o en bicicleta en los que se pueden ver más de doscientas especies de pájaros. Un sitio perfecto para disfrutar de un paseo calmado por la naturaleza y disfrutando de todo lo que ofrece el Parque Natural.

Para las mejores excursiones y viajes programados por la zona, Click Mallorca es la mejor opción. A través de su página web podéis buscar la mejor oferta de experiencias en forma de excursiones, tickets, actividades y servicios y acceder a toda la información y hacer reservas online de forma cómoda y rápida.

Alcudia ofrece una gran variedad de lugares para comer, tomarse una copa o un sabroso helado mientras nos perdemos por las calles de tal magnífica ciudad.

La oferta gastronómica de la ciudad es enorme, podemos encontrar desde las mejores pizzerias de Alcudia tales como Pizzeria Sa Plaça, Piero Rossi 1988 y el Restaurante La Traviata, a las mejores hamburguesas en Country Burger hasta los restaurantes de tapas y platos tradicionales más selectos como Satyricón, Sa Taverna, Restaurant Sa Plaça, Restaurante Sa Taverna des Ports y la Bodega Santurce.

La mejor forma de refrescarse durante las calurosas tardes de verano es tomarse un buen helado, frío, cremoso y sabroso, en Alcudia podemos encontrar heladerías tradicionales que ofrecen una gran variedad de sabores y formates de helados tales como Sa Gelateria y Heladeria Pierito Fa Il Gelato.

También podemos encontrar tiendas de proximidad con todo tipo de productos típicos de la zona y de Mallorca, el mejor souvenir para llevarse a casa, de todas las tiendas de la ciudad, destacan Gourmet Sa Plaça y Baccus Gourmet.


El municipio de Sa Pobla es un pueblo muy pequeño situado muy cerca de Alcudia, en el nordeste de la isla y destaca por su tradición agrícola.

En Sa Pobla abundan algunos yacimientos arqueológicos prehistóricos tales como el talayot d’es Claper Gran y son de interés las ermitas de los alrededores de Crestatx y la parroquia de San Antonio, de estilo barroco.

En Sa Pobla se encuentra el Antic Celler Can Cota, uno de los mejores restaurantes de la zona especializados en cocina mallorquina. Su amplia carta ofrece variedad de platos típicos de la gastronomía local como arroces y paellas, carnes a la brasa, pescado y verduras y dispone de terraza al aire libre ideal para aprovechar los días de sol y las noches de verano disfrutando de un buen aperitivo. Además, se ofrece servicio de comida para llevar y se elaboran paellas por encargo.


Capdepera forma parte de la Serra de Llevant y es uno de los lugares más emblemáticos de todo Mallorca. Justo en la cima del pueblo se encuentra el más que conocido Castillo de Capdepera, el lugar perfecto para empezar vuestra visita por la ciudad y empezar a recorrer su casco antiguo, con casas señoriales del siglo XIV i edificios destacados como la Parroquia de San Bartolomé y el Ayuntamiento.

Muy cerca de Capdepera se encuentran las cuevas de Artá, y son unas de las más bonitas de Mallorca. Se dice que el famoso Julio Verne se inspiró en estas cuevas para escribir la novela “Viaje al centro de la tierra”, haciendo de las cuevas de Artá uno de los sitios más curiosos del planeta y tiene unas de las estalactitas más curiosas, ya que parece que ondeen, se trata de la sala de las banderas.

Otro de los lugares más emblemáticos de Capdepera es sin duda su faro. Se construyó en el año 1861 y era el punto de referencia en la costa para la multitud de barcos que surcaban las aguas dirección a la isla. Hoy en día sigue en funcionamiento y es el lugar perfecto para poder sacar una foto panorámica de los acantilados de la zona.

En la zona se preparan una gran cantidad de platos entre los que destacan los arroces y los pescados, especialmente la langosta. Los platos más buscados de la zona son la sepia con mejillones, la sopa de pescado, las gambas con champiñones y una gran variedad de pescados hechos al horno.

Para hospedarse en Capdepera, el Hotel Predi Son Jaumell es ideal. Se trata de un magnífico hotel rural con muchas zonas ajardinadas y en pleno contacto con la naturaleza, ideal para disfrutar del silencio y de la calma de la zona.

Ponen a la vuestra disposición las instalaciones y servicios que necesita para un descanso perfecto. Las habitaciones están equipadas con wifi, aire acondicionado, baño privado, minibar, televisión, vistas al exterior… Dentro del recinto hay una preciosa zona verde con piscina, solárium, hamacas y camas para relajarse.

En el Restaurante Andreu Genestra disfrutaréis de la gastronomía como una auténtica experiencia y, en el Restaurante Senzill encontraréis la cocina tradicional mallorquina con una variedad de platos elaborados con productos frescos de máxima calidad.


Manacor es la segunda ciudad más importante de la isla y la capital de la comarca de Llevant. La zona destaca por el abundante turismo y por la industria de la madera y de las perlas artificiales.

En el casco antiguo de la ciudad se encuentran varios edificios de interés cultural muy encantadores de los que destacan la iglesia y el claustro de Sant Vicenç Ferrer, la Torre del Palacio, la Torre de ses Puntes, el Molino de Fraret, las plazas de Ramón Llul y de la Constitución y la sede de la conocida empresa Perlas Majorica, fundada el 1890.

Cerca de Manacor se encuentra Portocristo, un pueblo situado en una zona muy calcárea en la que hay diversas cuevas, las más conocidas son las cuevas del Drac, las del Hams y las del Pirata. Estas cuevas son un atractivo turístico a tener en cuenta y uno de los principales destinos de la isla.  Dentro de éstas existe un conjunto de formaciones de estalactitas y estalagmitas únicas en todo el mundo, y cuentan con lagos subterráneos donde se realizan espectáculos audiovisuales aprovechando la buena acústica que ofrecen las cuevas. ¡Todo un espectáculo digno de admirar!

Aprovechando el atractivo de la zona, os proponemos una estancia en Sos Ferres d’en Morey. Una finca antiguamente regentada por las casas de los agricultores que habitaban en la zona. Ahora restaurada, presenta un aspecto diferente, todo y que la estructura de la casa se ha conservado y es un lugar ideal para disfrutar de paz y tranquilidad con vistas de la Bahía de Alcudia.



Felanitx se encuentra al sudeste de la isla de Mallorca y se trata de uno de los pueblos con más vida y folclore tradicional de toda la isla.

En esta población es obligatorio pararse un momento a disfrutar de las vistas que ofrece el santuario de Sant Salvador que a su vez cumple la función de mirador. Desde este templo se puede contemplar una vista panorámica maravillosa tanto de la costa como del interior, y visitar el castillo de Santueri, una fortificación de la Edad Media conquistado a los musulmanes en 1231 y los Clossos de Ca’n Gaià, unas excavaciones prehistóricas.

Felanitx también alberga calas vírgenes de arena blanca y aguas cristalinas, de las mejores que ofrece el litoral mallorquín como por ejemplo Cala Ferrera, Cala Mitjana, Cala Serena, Cala Sa Nau y S’algar.

La cocina de Felanitx es típica payesa, con productos campestres combinados con carne de cerdo, cordero o ternera dan lugar a platos exquisitos. De los platos más destacados mencionamos el trempó, el tumbet y los escaldums. Para deleitar este tipo de cocina os sugerimos el restaurante Máxime, situado en la cima de una colina que ofrece unas vistas espectaculares de Cala d’Or y Portcolom. Una cocina mediterránea muy cuidada, sabrosa y mimada.



Para seguir con la ruta por algunos de los lugares más entrañables de la isla os proponemos visitar el pueblo de Porreres. Un pueblo que forma parte del Massís de Randa.

La zona siempre ha tenido a la agricultura como fuente de riqueza de la comarca en la que hay 36 molinos de viento. Abundan en Porreres una gran variedad de productos como los cereales, los almendros, algarrobos, azafrán, viñedos y albaricoques que una vez secos se han ganado una fama más que merecida.

En Porreres se encuentra el Molí de n’Amengual, el santuario de Monti-Sion del siglo XIV y el Museo que era un antiguo hospital. A ambos lados de la carretera, se encuentran siete cruces del siglo XV que representan los Siete Dolores y los Siete Gozos de la Virgen, de las cuales actualmente se conservan cinco.

En la zona se encuentra el Hotel Sa Bassa Rotja, un edificio de piedra que data del siglo XIII en plena naturaleza para disfrutar del entorno, la tranquilidad y el confort. El hotel ofrece 38 habitaciones distribuidas en: individuales, dobles y lujosas suites con terraza y una cuidada decoración.

En el restaurante, bar y cafetería del hotel se ofrece una cuidada selección de platos elaborados con productos autóctonos, tomados en parte, del propio huerto. Está abierto al público en general, tanto a clientes del hotel como a quienes no están hospedados en el mismo.



Llucmajor es un pueblo de la comarca de Migjorn en el que abundan tanto playa como montaña, haciendo del pueblo el lugar perfecto para practicar actividades de montaña como rutas de senderismo o ciclismo, como todo tipo de actividades acuáticas.

Lo mayores encantos de Llucmajor de interés cultural son el convento de Sant Bonaventura, el monumento a Jaume III, el santuario de Grácia, la iglesia parroquial de Sant Miquel o la capilla de sa Torre.

Al encontrarse cerca de la playa, Llucmajor cuenta con una gran variedad de playas y calas muy tranquilas y encantadoras de aguas turquesas y cristalinas que hacen de estas el lugar perfecto para darse un baño y dejar de lado tanto calor. Algunas de estas calas y playas son muy conocidas en Mallorca como, por ejemplo, cala Pí, cala Blava o el caló de Sant Antoni.

En Llucmajor se encuentra Mhares Sea Club, un nuevo concepto de ocio diseñado para proporcionar sensaciones inolvidables en un espacio privilegiado.

Su restaurante ha diseñado una oferta gastronómica especial, para transportaros a través de los sentidos la experiencia mediterránea del entorno a los paladares más exigentes y disfrutar junto al mar en una de las terrazas más espectaculares del mediterráneo. También elaboran deliciosos cócteles y snacks servidos junto a la piscina. ¿Suena bien, no?


El precioso pueblo rural de Santanyí se encuentra al sureste de la isla, el pueblo es tradicional mallorquín y goza de más de 20 playas espectaculares, junto con su perfecta ubicación cerca del segundo parque natural más importante de las Islas Baleares, hacen de Santanyí y sus alrededores un entorno increíble.

Realmente vale la pena visitar Santanyí por sus paisajes pintorescos y por su interés por el arte, ya que la ciudad alberga muchas galerías de arte. Cada sábado se realiza el mercadillo tradicional de Santanyí, un mercado tradicional en el que se pueden encontrar una gran variedad de productos tales como productos directos de payés mallorquín, frutas, ropa…

En esta misma zona, uno de los mejores planes que existe es hacer una excursión en barco hasta el Parque Natural de Cabrera, una isla que es conocida por su flora y fauna, por su enorme belleza y sus aguas turquesas, el lugar ideal para buceadores y submarinistas.

Santanyí cuenta con más de 20 playas espectaculares, entre las que destacan Cala Llombards, Cala Mondragó, Cala s’Almunia, Caló de sa Branca Trencada, Caló des Moro, es Caragol i s’Amarrador. Las playas de Santanyí destacan por su encanto y su ambiente tranquilo, así como las aguas cristalinas que permiten un baño muy agradable a quienes se remojan en sus aguas.

Diving Center es un centro de buceo situado en Cala Santanyí, justo en el borde del mar. Es el sitio ideal para los principiantes en este deporte, ya que disponen de un sitio de buceo directamente debajo de la base con profundidades que varían de 3 a 10 metros, ideal para aquellos que comienzan a explorar este fantástico mundo.

También es posible bucear de noche para disfrutar de todos los tonos y matices de color a través de la luz de las lámparas. Para los no buceadores, miembros de la familia y amigos, la playa está a sólo 100 metros de la base.

El agua es normalmente muy clara con una excelente visibilidad en todos los sitios de buceo (hasta 40 m.). Se puede ver una amplia variedad de la vida mediterránea: oscuros meros, pulpos, morenas, peces aguja, serviolas, jibias, barracudas, etc.

¡Aprovechad para disfrutar de la Mallorca más auténtica de una forma distinta y disfrutad de todas las oportunidades que ofrece la isla con vuestra pareja, vuestros familiares o amigos!


The best features for your perfect wedding in Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera

The Balearic Islands are one of the most beautiful spots on Earth, a place many couples choose in order to make their greatest wedding – expectations come true.

Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera, all of them meet the requirements for the wedding – celebration of your dreams. Culture, a wonderful weather, gastronomy and stunning views, the perfect mix for a perfect wedding. And you can make it happen.

If you love the Mediterranean lifestyle, the beach, the sun and the most delicious seafood, take a look at our tips. Check out the following post! Here we go with the essential tools for your perfect wedding – experience on the sunny islands!

mallorca - vivi-events


Vicky Pulgarin Catering

One essential issue for an unforgettable wedding – celebration will be the menu that you and your guests will enjoy during your greatest day. The catering service from Vicky Pulgarín, a national TV cooking – contest winner, knows this very well. Their recipes are inspired by the local traditional gastronomy and elaborated with the most outstanding regional products. Creativity, innovation and excellence perfectly describe this experienced professional team. They will listen to your suggestions and offer different options in order to compose your ideal banquet. Without any doubt, Vicky Pulgarín Catering will bring the most delicate and distinguished tastes to your bridal meal!

More information: click here

Mhares Sea Club Restaurant

We can’t imagine a more romantic scenario: the deep blue sea, surrounded by green and flowery nature, an elegant restaurant with amazing gardens and magical views. If you search for a wedding venue that will make this event completely unforgettable, this is your place. The Mhares Sea Club Restaurant offers this fascinating venue for exceptional wedding celebrations, including the civil marriage. Also, you won’t need to worry about complementary services like deco, flowers, music and photographer. The club’s team will take care of all, according to your guidelines and ideas. You just relax and enjoy your most special day!

More information: click here

Esteban Garí Photographer

Your wedding lasts one day, the pictures will last forever. No matter if you celebrate your wedding at a glamorous venue or at home, Esteban Garí will catch with his camera each feeling and emotion of your fairy – tale. His professional skills and artistic style will document every chapter of your wedding, creating a unique artistic album, according to the photographic style that most appeals to you.


More information: click here

TST Events

Choosing the right music for your wedding will make the difference if you wish to add a personal touch to this day. The TST Events team will help you create the perfect wedding-playlist, selecting the songs that will cheer-up your great entrance, your walk down the aisle, and the tunes that will kick off your wedding – party. And for your convenience, you won’t need to worry about the watch. TST Events will let you enjoy and move to the rhythm with no regard of any limited schedule!


More information: click here

Vivi Eventos

These wedding-planners are specialists at creating the most memorable storybook weddings, choosing the best venues and wedding- features (music, photographer deco etc). They also hold their own specific deco service that will transform your wedding-venue in the most spectacular and charming setting, revealing a silent message of deepest love and complete happiness.


More information: click here

Restaurant Menestralia

Yes it’s possible: You can make your most eccentric dreams come true and get married in a castle-like venue! At Restaurante Menestralia, located at what used to be one of Mallorca’s medieval castles, the restaurant’s venue – halls still keep some legacy from it’s past. Large spaces with a cozy atmosphere, high ceilings, arches and stone-walls, a fantastic site, both during Mallorca’s summer paradise and when the island becomes a winter-wonderland, where your bridal meal will consist of the best local cuisine….don’t miss it!


More information: click here

Delicias y Mimos

Surprise your guests with an impressive and original wedding-cake! One traditional big or many individual tiny pies, it’s completely up to you. Delicias y Mimos will serve whatever you prefer. Striking cake-ideas, candy bars or donut towers, you can’t imagine all this pastry can provide you with in order to sweeten your wedding!


More information: click here


DJ Bass

Make your wedding a great party! Let a good DJ play the perfect soundtrack and craft a wedding-reception where life – entertainment will ensure some extra fun! Dj Bass will adapt his song-list to the wedding – style and to your preferences, no matter where. Get married at a classy venue, at the beach or at your home’s backyard, this experienced DJ will set it with the most appropriate musical notes!


More information: click here

Novias Guajara

On your wedding, you deserve to feel very special and look more beautiful and spectacular than ever. At  Boutique Novias Guajara you will find a huge variety of wonderful and unique wedding dresses that will match your style and budget! First class designers, the latest bridal fashion – hits and the most elegant accessories, at this boutique you’ll find all you need in order to look like a princess when it comes to whispering the most important “yes, I do” of your life. The boutique’s team will treat you with kindness and lead you through all the dress options until you find this one that is  completely perfect for you. Just drop in or ask for an appointment!


More information: click here

Natalia Brichs Events Wedding

You have imagined your wedding a million times, with every single little detail perfectly fitting in this one big ensemble? The Natalia Brichs Events Wedding Team will rise to the challenge and meet your greatest expectations. These specialists in organizing the fanciest and most genuine weddings will consider your priorities and ideas in order to design a fabulous and memorable celebration, handling all the necessary features. From finding the ideal venue, to deco, lightning, music, flower arrangements and much more, leave everything in the most professional and trustworthy hands. You just relax and enjoy!


More information: click here

Sunta Estilistes

Obviously, the main character of this wedding fairy-tale will be the bride, who should look gourgeous for this one in a lifetime – occasion. At Sunta Estilistes the team will take care of your beauty and personal image, making you shine brighter than ever before.  Hair, nails, skin and make up, these stylists will create a personalized beauty – program so that on your most unforgettable day, your look will be the great highlight, attracting everyone’s attention. You deserve to be your wedding’s star!


More information: click here

Acústic Menorca

This Ciutadella – based business will be of great help when it comes to issues like sound, DJ and lightening for your ideal wedding. The Acústic Menorca team has one very clear aim: To design a personalized setting for your wedding, creating a unique ambience according to your personal – and wedding – style. No challenge will suppose a problem for them. Their expertise and talent assures you an exceptional and harmonic result: An amazing wedding with all the pieces of the puzzle perfectly fitting together.


More information: click here

Floristería Es Bonzais

We are sure nobody can deny it: one thing a wedding can’t miss are the flowers. Flowers will spread colors, fragrance, elegance and freshness all over your wedding-venue. Flowers speak their own silent language, which will transmit your most special message of this special day. Floristería Es Bonzais will provide you with all the key items in form of flowers so that you can express all your love, appreciation and gratitude towards your friends and family. Local and exotic species, at this boutique you’ll find the most unexpected samples.

Compose your message and let the flowers share it!


More information: click here

Ibiza and Formentera

The Ibiza Wedding Planner

If you are looking for a prestigious wedding planner that talks your language and who will offer  an unbeatable service, The Ibiza Wedding Planner should be your choice. After carefully listening to your suggestions, wishes and ideas, this team will handle all the features in order to fulfill your most demanding expectations. Settings, flowers, deco, music, banquet and much more, you can entrust it all to them. Satisfaction guaranteed!

More information: click here

Vilacakes Ibiza

Make your sweetest dreams come true and serve a delightful wedding-cake to your guests. At Vilacakes you will have a huge variety of options from which to choose. From XL cakes to cute little individual cupcakes, these pastry experts will create the most delicious piece of art you have ever tasted. The bakery’s team is also a specialist in baking and decorating delightful cookies. Here goes a great idea: be original and set up a cookie-bar during the feast! Fantastic!


More information: click here

Chic Events Shop Ibiza

If your intention is to celebrate your wedidng at home, at a desertic beach or in the middle of a savage forest, set it it up for the occasion with the most awesome deco-items. At Chic Events Shop Ibiza you will discover the most unsuspected deco-articles. Cookie and candy – bars, garlands, candles, and tablewear  in a million forms and colours, you’ll want to take it all!


More information: click here

Mari Luz Diseño y Moda

Ibiza is known for keeping it’s own style in fashion. This applies also to wedding dresses and accessories. Never heard about the Ibiza bohemian chic? At Mari Luz Diseño y Moda you will find an amazing variety of wedding dresses in the latest local and international styles. Romantic princess-dresses, casual and cool vintage gowns, all the trends and designers you can imagine, this boutique holds plenty of high quality treasures made of tissue. The boutique’s team will welcome you offering a friendly attention and help you choose the best dress according to your personal style and appearance. Check it out!


More information: click here

Paolo Scarpa

If you want to celebrate a unique wedding, include unique details that make the difference! Live music during the ceremony or any other chapter of the event will be a hit! Paolo Scarpa is an Italian musician that with nothing but his outstanding and spectacular voice and his guitar will fill your wedding with the music you prefer. Jazz, blues, rock, classic or any other melodies you may desire, Paolo Scarpa will create a completely personalized soundtrack for this occasion. Wouldn’t that be something else!


More information: click here

Dipesa Group

The bride’s arrival to the church or venue is one of the highlights of any wedding. Dipesa will provide you with an elegant vehicle that will suit your needs and taste. Luxury cars with personal driver for the bride or the couple, besides buses for the guests’ transfers, on your wedding you deserve the most exclusive high standard vehicles and the most gentle attention. Besides, don’t worry about your budget, their price-list is affordable.

More iinformation: click here

Marewa Formentera

If you have in mind an intimate wedding with only a few guests, consider hiring a private chef! Marewa Formentera will impress you with a very special menu, including appetizers, which will be customized in order to adapt it to your needs and preferences. The chefs will cook on-site, with fresh ingredients of exceptional quality. There’s no limit concerning the kind of cuisine. Local or international dishes, vegetarian or gluten – free, any choice will be more than delicious. Rely on this splendid team and enjoy a wonderful five – star- Marewa -experience for your wedding!

More information: click here

Gecko Beach Club Formentera

Weddings in Formentera are special. Wonderful landscapes with stunning sights, a little paradise on earth surrounded by the famous and most awesome beaches of the turquoise Mediterranean Sea. We can’t imagine a more captivating scenario for a romantic and absolutely unique wedding. And neither can we imagine a more overwhelming wedding – venue than the Gecko Beach Club Formetera. Located right next to it’s own beautiful 150 m – long beach, amidst palm trees and flowery gardens, this luxurious boutique hotel offers elegant terraces, halls and stunning views, the most exquisite cuisine and tons of elegance and glamour. A splendid place for your banquet and for your photo – shooting. Do not hesitate, the occasion is worth it. You don’t get married every day!


More information: click here

Rutas es Boixets

Floats appear only in fairytales? Probably yes, but wouldn’t you love to make one your wedding? The company Rutas es Boixets will provide you with all the necessary for the bride’s arrival to the church or venue: gorgeous and elegant floats, majestic horses and  chauffeurs,  all carefully decorated and suited for an amazing staging. Besides, if you wish, your chauffeur will lead you as a wedded couple to some charming spot of the island for a magnificent photo – shooting. Sounds too good to be true!


More information: click here

Es Moli de la Sal

If you are passionate about seafood, sunny beach-landscapes and you want to celebrate a sailor-style wedding you can make it real at Es Moli de Sal. This enchanting and fancy restaurant bears all the tools and features for an original sea side wedding. A luminous dinning room with fantastic sights, a wide and spacious terrace, the best cooks and seafood of the area, and surroundings that transmit nothing but peace and harmony. You will also have the possibility to arrive by boat to the venue and the staff will escort you to the restaurant. What a brilliant idea!


More information: click here


Turn your wedding venue into a flowery work of art! Artnatur wil be your best ally when it comes to filling your wedding with the most precios flowers on earth. The boutique’s prestigeous team is specialised in creating unique and personalized deco – designs for weddings, making use of flowers of highest quality, freshness and beauty. Their innovative vision of decoration for venues and special events,  their art – inspired style and exceptional professionality  will assure you an absolutely dazzling setting. They have thousands of varieties available, so just pick your favourite blossoms and let these artists settle the perfect arrangements and bouquet!


More information: click here

Celebrate your perfect wedding in Mallorca!

Mallorca is one of the most popular wedding – destinations, both for spanish as for foreign couples. Sunny spring and summer -weather, amazing beaches, delicious mediterranean cuisine…a wonderful spot on earth for an exceptional wedding.

Are you considering to celebrate your own wedding in this amazing spanish paradise? Would you like to live your own wedding-fairytale? We want to help you to make it come true. Take a look at this post, here you’ll find the most recomended wedding-features of the island, everything you need to make your great day unforgettable. Don’t miss it!

Hotel Barceló Illetas Albatros – Illetas

«Celebrate a romantic, charming beach-ceremony and tailor-made banquet, and make of the gently lapping waves the soundtrack of your most memorable day «

  • Located at the beach of Illetas, every wedding at the Barceló Illetas Albatros 4*Superior Hotel is a unique, personally tailored event. Couples can get married by the Mediterranean Sea, enjoing amazing views, and share a exquisit banquet with the guests at the venue, of overwhelming beauty and elegance.
  • The hotel offers a complete wedding-planner service that will customize every single little detail of the event, according to your guidelines, requests and ideas.
  • Take advantage of their fantastic all-in-one packages and special offers, and celebrate the wedding of your dreams for the best price!

Hotel Rural Son Mercadal – Porreres

«Beauty, tradition, comfort and an exceptional emplacement…at Son Mercadal your highest wedding-expectations will be surpassed»

  • Son Mercadal is a breathtaking family-run cottage,  surrounded by a forest of oaks and flowers.
  • The facilities of the cottage provide all you may desire for your wedding: Banquet-halls showing stone-walls, wooden roofs and typical local decoration.
  • The outward of Son Mercadal is the ideal scenario for your cocktail, a gorgeous photoshoot, and a charming ceremony
  • For this special occasion, the cottage’s team will satisfy any request to ensure the total success of this important event.
  • With tons of inspiration, they will take care of all the organisation and details, giving you the option to customize and thematize your wedding. 
  • Completely personalitzed menus with plenty of delicious flavours and culinary creativity.

Restaurante Maxime – Palma

«A breathtaking emplacement, en extraordinary cuisine, and the most outstanding deco-service the island has to offer, Restaurante Maxime provides you with all the essential tools for a perfect wedding-experience«

  • The Restaurant is located at Vall d’Or, a little paradise on earth in Mallorca.
  •  The emplacement, gardens and views are some of the major claims of Máxime. An ideal location for a fairytale-wedding.
  • The restaurant features all the amenities such as direct access, private parking, etc., and the menu and decorations can be adapted as needed.
  • Their cuisine is a more than exceptional interpretation of mediterranean gastronomy, elaborated with the most outstanding regional products, and plenty of creativity and sense of innovation. 

Catering D’Calvache – Palma

«Enjoy an outstanding banquet with your guests, bring the most delicate and outstanding flavours to this once-in-a-lifetime occasion»

  • The chefs of Catering D’Calvache will rise to the challenge and meet your greatest expectations, designing a delightful and customized menu for your banquet, and delicious appetizers for the previous reception-cocktail. 
  • The renowned chef Jordi Calvache founded this completely exceptional catering-company, fulfilling his dream of giving free rein to his own creations.
  • Expert at the most advanced techniques, his outstanding dishes are a creative approach to traditional cuisine.
  • Catering D’Calvache works exclusively with fresh products of extraordinary quality
  • With no doubt, they will turn your wedding into an unforgettable culinary experience!

Exclusive Rent 4 Events – Palma

«Set up your wedding-venue just like you always have imagined. Cover it with your favourite colours, style it up and customize it with the fanciest and most exclusive features…make it completely magical.»

  • A young and passionate company that will provide you with the most up to date resources in order to create the deco-concept and athmosphere you choose for your wedding
  • Ans experimented team with more tan 10.000 events on their records!
  • Their catalogue includes furniture, table-ware, deco-items, accessories, all in plenty of diferent trends and designs…everything you need and more, with unbeatable prices
  • The  team will listen to your requests and take care of every single little detail in order to make your setting-dream come true. 
  • They’ll serve you anywhere on the island!

Focus Foto Estudio – Palma

«Eternalise each moment and emotion of you luckiest day, let a professional photographer tell your love story through the most wonderful and breathtaking pictures «

  • A prestigious team of photographers with one clear mission and passion: To tell your story and your most memorable day through the art of exceptional photography. Each detail, each kiss and every single tear, captured and turned into overwhelming imatges.
  • Their photographical style is natural, creative and completely exceptional.
  • Maximal professionality and discretion!
  • Your wedding lasts one day, the pictures will last forever. And the occasion deserves the most extraordinary pictures ever taken!

Hoshin Photo & Events – Port Alcudia

«Bring a funny touch to your wedding, share tons of laughters and enjoy the cheerful smiling faces of your beloved ones on the happiest day of your life»

  • Hoshin Photo & Events is a business that operates all over the islad, providing weddings and other joyful events with the latest and most original photo booths. A funny and genuine way to turn your wedding into an unforgettable event, with plenty of joy and happyness.
  • Different models for you to choose from: booth with 1 or 4 screens, colour or black and white pictures, two different sizes, and customized frames and backgrounds…Aside from the bride and groom, the booth will be the third main character of the day!
  • You can print as many copies of the pictures as you like, and the team will design an exclusive logo to honour the singularity of your wedding. Also, the atrezzo is included… Your guests will love it!

Flors i Verdesca – Palma

«Fill your wedding-site with the colours, fragrance and beauty of your favourite blossoms»

  • Florist specialized in wedding decoration since 1984, a diplomated team with tons of experience, talent and passion, always seeking perfection and the clients’ complete satisfaction.
  • Offers a personalized wedding decoration, inspired by your favourite species and blossoms, in order to create a unique and enchanting setting. Also, they will design and compose your bouquet, your flower-crown, deco of the car and any other item you want to adorn.
  • They exclusively make use of natural and fresh flowers of greatest quality, guaranteed to least for more that 12 days.
  • Quick service and special offers so you won’t have to worry about your Budget!

Tentagent Carpas – Palma

«Be prepared for any weather-circumstances, or simply surprise your guests by creating a unique and romantic setting with an impressive wedding-tent.»

  • Tentagent is a company specialized in leasing and sale of 100% waterproof Bedouin Tents for weddings and other fancy events.
  • They will provide you with the best quality installation service, and bring a touch of beauty and glamour to your wedding-site
  • Tentagent will advise you about the best and most apropriate solution, in order to meet all your demands.
  • Their diverse selection of tents is able to fit any space, and aesthetically adapt to all kinds of environments
  • Check out their stock and pick yours!

La Moon Lighting~Balloons – Palma

«Your wedding deserves the fanciest, most genuine and surprising lighting-concept. Beautiful lighting-balloons will bring a special and romantic athmosphere to your venue«

  • La Moon offers lighting-balloons in all sizes, shapes and styles for weddings and event decoration.
  • An exclusive service on the island, well known for creating stunning settings and athmospheres with the balloons, achieving breathtaking lighting-effects.
  • Their selection of balloons shows a great variety of shapes, so that you can pick those that best fit your wedding style, the climate you want to create, and the message you want to share for the occasion
  • No matter if you choose a beach-wedding, a glamourous event at a luxurious venue, or your own yard, La Moon will find the perfect concept at any circumstances!

Serso Palma Sonido & Iluminación – Palma

«A dazzling lighting concept and altogether perfect sound-resources will make of your wedding a hit!»

  • Light effects with changing colors, light curtains, garlands of light bulbs, luminous cables and light letters are only a few of the devices this renown Company has to offer in order to create a magical scenery for your wedding
  • No matter what you have in mind, life music, flash-lights,  the serso – team will provide you with all necessary tools and set everything up. During the wedding, they will take care of the correct performance and coordination of the lighting and sound effects, carrying out a perfect show.
  • Available for any kind of emplacement: terraces, gardens, interior spaces, etc

Lisa López Alpargatas – Calvià

«For your genuine majorcan wedding, local bridal fashion is a must. Complete your look with handcrafted accessories, made in Mallorca!»

  • Lisa López is a local artisan and designer, specialized in creating the most outstanding and gorgeous accessories made of natural raw materia.
  • Her alpargatas for brides are of exclusive elegance, comfort and quality, famous all over the island and beyond, as well as her coronets, combs and picture hats. 
  • The articles are inspired in the young, modern woman: casual but distinguished, trendy but functional.
  • All of Lisa’s designs are limited editions, not for sale at any other boutique.
  • You can order her articles online. Take a look at her catalogue. Completely amazing!
  • By the way, Lisa López also offers fantastic alpargatas and accessories for female wedding-guests!

Escapada a Palma

La escapada que te proponemos está hecha para ti. Palma es un destino que no deja indiferente a nadie. Sin lugar a dudas, hay opciones de ocio, cultura y entretenimiento aptas para todos los gustos.

Un destino ideal para una escapada primaveral o veraniega. Te ofrecemos algunas visitas y actividades imprescindibles en la ciudad de Palma. No te lo pierdas!


No es de extrañar que Palma sea considerada un lugar de ensueño en nuestro país y mucho más allá. Infinidad de cosas que hacer y mucho que visitar. Y como toque final, una gastronomía que hace soñar incluso a los más gourmets. La capital de Mallorca tiene una gran ventaja para el turismo. Es una ciudad de superficie reducida y en poco tiempo podrás recorrer la mayoría de sus atractivos, que son muchos. Y para más comodidad, el aeropuerto se ubica a pocos kilómetros del centro urbano.


La cultura ocupa un puesto muy importante en el podio de nuestra lista de imprescindibles. Para empezar, la famosa Catedral de Mallorca, un ejemplar del gótico que impresiona por su magnitud y belleza arquitectónica. El siguiente lugar de interés, ubicado a pocos metros de la catedral, el Palacio de la Almudaina. La construcción y sus jardines forman un conjunto único, un espacio de tranquilidad en pleno centro urbano.


La Lonja, un edificio gótico considerado una de las muestras de la época con más trascendencia histórica no puede quedar fuera de tu recorrido.

Palma también presume de importantes museos, el de Pilar y Joan Miró y el Museo de Baluard de arte contemporáneo, entre otros.


Si dispones de suficiente tiempo, podrás realizar la ruta del gótico y la ruta del modernismo. Ideal para una escapada cultural sin precedentes.

Pero en tu escapada también tendrás tiempo, y no pueden faltar diferentes actividades de ocio – diurno y nocturno-, compras y degustaciones de las mejores recetas locales.


Tanto si viajas con la familia, niños, amigos o pareja, un paseo por el centro antiguo es más que obligado. La encantadora Plaza Mayor, rodeada de edificios emblemáticos, arcadas, comercios y restaurantes que seducen a cualquier visitante. Las estrechas calles y callejones que nacen en esta plaza y forman una red a su alrededor, son el foco de la alegre vida diurna y la fiesta de la vida nocturna. Restaurantes, bares y cafés y pequeñas tiendas de características insólitas conforman este ambiente inconfundible de Palma.


Tiendas en las que podrás escoger entre multitud de artículos típicos, souvenirs, moda y los caprichos gastronómicos más exquisitos. No dejes de mimar tu paladar con un buen Tumbet de patatas, berenjenas y pimientos, o con el típico Frit, a base de cerdo, conejo y cebolla. Por supuesto, que no falte una sopa mallorquina o unas tostadas con sobrasada, y para los amantes del dulce, la mejor ensaimada, los buñuelos o los capells, un lujo mallorquín que te hará disfrutar al máximo.



Los más bohemios encontrarán su sitio en el barrio de Santa Catalina, un pequeño mundo dentro de Palma, sus residentes (palmesanos autóctonos y sus nuevos residentes de origen norte-europeo),  conviven con turistas, jóvenes artistas y personas de todo tipo y condición. Un entorno impregnado de una filosofía con vida propia. El ritual más típico, con el que sentirás como un auténtico Palmesano y del que no debes escapar: Sus aperitivos de mediodía, en la infinidad de locales con encanto que encontrarás en este barrio,  que se alargan hasta bien entrada la tarde. 

También podrás vivir una experiencia totalmente opuesta a esta, si te animas a dar un paseo por el Paseo del Born, donde se concentra todo el lujo más chic de la ciudad.


Paseando desde el centro antiguo al emblemático puerto deportivo de la ciudad no tendrás tiempo de cansarte. No te olvides de recorrer un tramo al borde del agua mientras admiras los preciosos yates y las vistas al mar. Y cuando caiga el atardecer, un coctail acompañado de la brisa y sonido del oleaje en cualquiera de los bares y terrazas  de moda. No se puede pedir más.


La  oferta de ocio en Palma es infinita. El Nuevo Pueblo Español es una miniatura de España, ubicada en el barrio Son Espanyolet, que incluye pequeñas copias idénticas al original de los monumentos más emblemáticos del país. Un paseo por sus curiosas calles será una atracción que no te dejará indiferente. Por supuesto también podrás descansar en alguno de sus restaurantes mientras saboreas  los productos y recetas más típicas de cada zona son los protagonistas. Ideal también para una visita cultural con niños!


Los más pequeños, y menos pequeños también, se lo pasarán en grande durante una visita al Palma Aquarium. Un espacio en que encontrarás multitud de especies marinas insólitas. Acércate al parque de delfines, los espectáculos te dejarán sin palabras.


Te recomendamos que aproveches la idílica ubicación de Palma para realizar algunas actividades que no podrás disfrutar en muchos otros lugares. Deportes acuáticos, excursiones en barco, catamarán, surf acuàtico o cualquier otro transporte que necesite del agua serán una alternativa con risas y aventuras aseguradas. Navega alrededor de la Isla, Sail4fun Catamaran Charter, con base en el puerto de Palma,  llega a sus lugares más recónditos y espectaculares en barco. Escoge entre una excursión de un día o más, y descubre sus preciosos pueblos  mediterráneos, sus impresionantes bahías mientras degustas una comida típica mallorquina a bordo o en uno de los restaurantes de la Isla. 

Y si eres más de tierra firme, un desvío hacia el interior de la isla, con un paisaje cautivador y único, será una opción perfecta. Para los más deportistas, entre la gran oferta de actividades de turismo activo seguro que encontrarás la tuya!


Palma de Mallorca es considerado oficialmente uno de los mejores lugares para vivir. Una ciudad con un carácter único y llena de vida que te recibirá con los brazos abiertos. Te aseguramos que te enamorarás y, sin lugar a dudas, repetirás. Feliz escapada!

Menú degustació para 2 personas en St .Lorenzo Tapas Glutenfree


Entrantes para compartir:

  • Pan, Alioli, olivas
  • Croquetas
  • Tomate mozzarella
  • Calamares a la Andaluza

Plato principal  (a elegir):

  • Ravioli
  • Pizza
  • Lasaña de Verdura o Carne
  • Milanesa con patatas fritas



  • Cerveza refresco Agua o vino

The best features for your perfect wedding in Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera

The Balearic Islands are one of the most beautiful spots on Earth, a place many couples choose in order to make their greatest wedding – expectations come true.

Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera, all of them meet the requirements for the wedding – celebration of your dreams. Culture, a wonderful weather, gastronomy and stunning views, the perfect mix for a perfect wedding. And you can make it happen.

If you love the Mediterranean lifestyle, the beach, the sun and the most delicious seafood, take a look at our tips. Check out the following post! Here we go with the essential tools for your perfect wedding – experience on the sunny islands!

mallorca - vivi-events

Ibiza and Formentera

The Ibiza Wedding Planner

If you are looking for a prestigious wedding planner that talks your language and who will offer  an unbeatable service, The Ibiza Wedding Planner should be your choice. After carefully listening to your suggestions, wishes and ideas, this team will handle all the features in order to fulfill your most demanding expectations. Settings, flowers, deco, music, banquet and much more, you can entrust it all to them. Satisfaction guaranteed!

More information: click here

Vilacakes Ibiza

Make your sweetest dreams come true and serve a delightful wedding-cake to your guests. At Vilacakes you will have a huge variety of options from which to choose. From XL cakes to cute little individual cupcakes, these pastry experts will create the most delicious piece of art you have ever tasted. The bakery’s team is also a specialist in baking and decorating delightful cookies. Here goes a great idea: be original and set up a cookie-bar during the feast! Fantastic!


More information: click here

Chic Events Shop Ibiza

If your intention is to celebrate your wedidng at home, at a desertic beach or in the middle of a savage forest, set it it up for the occasion with the most awesome deco-items. At Chic Events Shop Ibiza you will discover the most unsuspected deco-articles. Cookie and candy – bars, garlands, candles, and tablewear  in a million forms and colours, you’ll want to take it all!


More information: click here

Mari Luz Diseño y Moda

Ibiza is known for keeping it’s own style in fashion. This applies also to wedding dresses and accessories. Never heard about the Ibiza bohemian chic? At Mari Luz Diseño y Moda you will find an amazing variety of wedding dresses in the latest local and international styles. Romantic princess-dresses, casual and cool vintage gowns, all the trends and designers you can imagine, this boutique holds plenty of high quality treasures made of tissue. The boutique’s team will welcome you offering a friendly attention and help you choose the best dress according to your personal style and appearance. Check it out!


More information: click here

Paolo Scarpa

If you want to celebrate a unique wedding, include unique details that make the difference! Live music during the ceremony or any other chapter of the event will be a hit! Paolo Scarpa is an Italian musician that with nothing but his outstanding and spectacular voice and his guitar will fill your wedding with the music you prefer. Jazz, blues, rock, classic or any other melodies you may desire, Paolo Scarpa will create a completely personalized soundtrack for this occasion. Wouldn’t that be something else!


More information: click here

Dipesa Group

The bride’s arrival to the church or venue is one of the highlights of any wedding. Dipesa will provide you with an elegant vehicle that will suit your needs and taste. Luxury cars with personal driver for the bride or the couple, besides buses for the guests’ transfers, on your wedding you deserve the most exclusive high standard vehicles and the most gentle attention. Besides, don’t worry about your budget, their price-list is affordable.

More iinformation: click here

Marewa Formentera

If you have in mind an intimate wedding with only a few guests, consider hiring a private chef! Marewa Formentera will impress you with a very special menu, including appetizers, which will be customized in order to adapt it to your needs and preferences. The chefs will cook on-site, with fresh ingredients of exceptional quality. There’s no limit concerning the kind of cuisine. Local or international dishes, vegetarian or gluten – free, any choice will be more than delicious. Rely on this splendid team and enjoy a wonderful five – star- Marewa -experience for your wedding!

More information: click here

Gecko Beach Club Formentera

Weddings in Formentera are special. Wonderful landscapes with stunning sights, a little paradise on earth surrounded by the famous and most awesome beaches of the turquoise Mediterranean Sea. We can’t imagine a more captivating scenario for a romantic and absolutely unique wedding. And neither can we imagine a more overwhelming wedding – venue than the Gecko Beach Club Formetera. Located right next to it’s own beautiful 150 m – long beach, amidst palm trees and flowery gardens, this luxurious boutique hotel offers elegant terraces, halls and stunning views, the most exquisite cuisine and tons of elegance and glamour. A splendid place for your banquet and for your photo – shooting. Do not hesitate, the occasion is worth it. You don’t get married every day!


More information: click here

Rutas es Boixets

Floats appear only in fairytales? Probably yes, but wouldn’t you love to make one your wedding? The company Rutas es Boixets will provide you with all the necessary for the bride’s arrival to the church or venue: gorgeous and elegant floats, majestic horses and  chauffeurs,  all carefully decorated and suited for an amazing staging. Besides, if you wish, your chauffeur will lead you as a wedded couple to some charming spot of the island for a magnificent photo – shooting. Sounds too good to be true!


More information: click here

Es Moli de la Sal

If you are passionate about seafood, sunny beach-landscapes and you want to celebrate a sailor-style wedding you can make it real at Es Moli de Sal. This enchanting and fancy restaurant bears all the tools and features for an original sea side wedding. A luminous dinning room with fantastic sights, a wide and spacious terrace, the best cooks and seafood of the area, and surroundings that transmit nothing but peace and harmony. You will also have the possibility to arrive by boat to the venue and the staff will escort you to the restaurant. What a brilliant idea!


More information: click here


Turn your wedding venue into a flowery work of art! Artnatur wil be your best ally when it comes to filling your wedding with the most precios flowers on earth. The boutique’s prestigeous team is specialised in creating unique and personalized deco – designs for weddings, making use of flowers of highest quality, freshness and beauty. Their innovative vision of decoration for venues and special events,  their art – inspired style and exceptional professionality  will assure you an absolutely dazzling setting. They have thousands of varieties available, so just pick your favourite blossoms and let these artists settle the perfect arrangements and bouquet!


More information: click here


Vicky Pulgarin Catering

One essential issue for an unforgettable wedding – celebration will be the menu that you and your guests will enjoy during your greatest day. The catering service from Vicky Pulgarín, a national TV cooking – contest winner, knows this very well. Their recipes are inspired by the local traditional gastronomy and elaborated with the most outstanding regional products. Creativity, innovation and excellence perfectly describe this experienced professional team. They will listen to your suggestions and offer different options in order to compose your ideal banquet. Without any doubt, Vicky Pulgarín Catering will bring the most delicate and distinguished tastes to your bridal meal!

More information: click here

Mhares Sea Club Restaurant

We can’t imagine a more romantic scenario: the deep blue sea, surrounded by green and flowery nature, an elegant restaurant with amazing gardens and magical views. If you search for a wedding venue that will make this event completely unforgettable, this is your place. The Mhares Sea Club Restaurant offers this fascinating venue for exceptional wedding celebrations, including the civil marriage. Also, you won’t need to worry about complementary services like deco, flowers, music and photographer. The club’s team will take care of all, according to your guidelines and ideas. You just relax and enjoy your most special day!

More information: click here

Esteban Garí Photographer

Your wedding lasts one day, the pictures will last forever. No matter if you celebrate your wedding at a glamorous venue or at home, Esteban Garí will catch with his camera each feeling and emotion of your fairy – tale. His professional skills and artistic style will document every chapter of your wedding, creating a unique artistic album, according to the photographic style that most appeals to you.


More information: click here

TST Events

Choosing the right music for your wedding will make the difference if you wish to add a personal touch to this day. The TST Events team will help you create the perfect wedding-playlist, selecting the songs that will cheer-up your great entrance, your walk down the aisle, and the tunes that will kick off your wedding – party. And for your convenience, you won’t need to worry about the watch. TST Events will let you enjoy and move to the rhythm with no regard of any limited schedule!


More information: click here

Vivi Eventos

These wedding-planners are specialists at creating the most memorable storybook weddings, choosing the best venues and wedding- features (music, photographer deco etc). They also hold their own specific deco service that will transform your wedding-venue in the most spectacular and charming setting, revealing a silent message of deepest love and complete happiness.


More information: click here

Restaurant Menestralia

Yes it’s possible: You can make your most eccentric dreams come true and get married in a castle-like venue! At Restaurante Menestralia, located at what used to be one of Mallorca’s medieval castles, the restaurant’s venue – halls still keep some legacy from it’s past. Large spaces with a cozy atmosphere, high ceilings, arches and stone-walls, a fantastic site, both during Mallorca’s summer paradise and when the island becomes a winter-wonderland, where your bridal meal will consist of the best local cuisine….don’t miss it!


More information: click here

Delicias y Mimos

Surprise your guests with an impressive and original wedding-cake! One traditional big or many individual tiny pies, it’s completely up to you. Delicias y Mimos will serve whatever you prefer. Striking cake-ideas, candy bars or donut towers, you can’t imagine all this pastry can provide you with in order to sweeten your wedding!


More information: click here


DJ Bass

Make your wedding a great party! Let a good DJ play the perfect soundtrack and craft a wedding-reception where life – entertainment will ensure some extra fun! Dj Bass will adapt his song-list to the wedding – style and to your preferences, no matter where. Get married at a classy venue, at the beach or at your home’s backyard, this experienced DJ will set it with the most appropriate musical notes!


More information: click here

Novias Guajara

On your wedding, you deserve to feel very special and look more beautiful and spectacular than ever. At  Boutique Novias Guajara you will find a huge variety of wonderful and unique wedding dresses that will match your style and budget! First class designers, the latest bridal fashion – hits and the most elegant accessories, at this boutique you’ll find all you need in order to look like a princess when it comes to whispering the most important “yes, I do” of your life. The boutique’s team will treat you with kindness and lead you through all the dress options until you find this one that is  completely perfect for you. Just drop in or ask for an appointment!


More information: click here

Natalia Brichs Events Wedding

You have imagined your wedding a million times, with every single little detail perfectly fitting in this one big ensemble? The Natalia Brichs Events Wedding Team will rise to the challenge and meet your greatest expectations. These specialists in organizing the fanciest and most genuine weddings will consider your priorities and ideas in order to design a fabulous and memorable celebration, handling all the necessary features. From finding the ideal venue, to deco, lightning, music, flower arrangements and much more, leave everything in the most professional and trustworthy hands. You just relax and enjoy!


More information: click here

Sunta Estilistes

Obviously, the main character of this wedding fairy-tale will be the bride, who should look gourgeous for this one in a lifetime – occasion. At Sunta Estilistes the team will take care of your beauty and personal image, making you shine brighter than ever before.  Hair, nails, skin and make up, these stylists will create a personalized beauty – program so that on your most unforgettable day, your look will be the great highlight, attracting everyone’s attention. You deserve to be your wedding’s star!


More information: click here

Acústic Menorca

This Ciutadella – based business will be of great help when it comes to issues like sound, DJ and lightening for your ideal wedding. The Acústic Menorca team has one very clear aim: To design a personalized setting for your wedding, creating a unique ambience according to your personal – and wedding – style. No challenge will suppose a problem for them. Their expertise and talent assures you an exceptional and harmonic result: An amazing wedding with all the pieces of the puzzle perfectly fitting together.


More information: click here

Floristería Es Bonzais

We are sure nobody can deny it: one thing a wedding can’t miss are the flowers. Flowers will spread colors, fragrance, elegance and freshness all over your wedding-venue. Flowers speak their own silent language, which will transmit your most special message of this special day. Floristería Es Bonzais will provide you with all the key items in form of flowers so that you can express all your love, appreciation and gratitude towards your friends and family. Local and exotic species, at this boutique you’ll find the most unexpected samples.

Compose your message and let the flowers share it!


More information: click here


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